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Mega island floated 巨型島將浮起
( 2012-02-03 )

      A man-made (adj.人工的) mega (adj.巨大的) island could rise from the sea south of Cheung Chau (n.長洲) as part of a desperate (adj.孤注一擲的) effort to help solve Hong Kong(n.香港)'s land shortage (n.短缺).
      The 1,500-hectare (n.公頃) artificial (adj.人工的) island is just one of 25 coastal (adj.沿海的) sites (n.用地) floated (v.提出) by the government to provide more land.
      The turn (n.轉向) to the sea is set (adj.將會的) to have conservationists (n.環保人士), who see threats (n.危害) to wildlife (n.野生生物) such as dolphins (n.海豚), up in arms (adj.強烈反對的).
      Other sites proposed (v.建議) include artificial islands west of Hei Ling Chau (n.喜靈洲) (100 hectares) and north of Lamma (n.南丫(島)) (400 hectares).
      The government is also proposing to connect Peng Chau (n.坪洲) and Hei Ling Chau to create a site of more than 700 hectares. Another plan would join Beaufort Island (n.螺洲) and Po Toi Island (n.蒲台島) to produce an additional 300 hectares.
      Also listed (v.列入清單) are 13 sites on artificial or disturbed (adj.受干擾的、本是天然的) shoreline (n.海岸) around Tuen Mun (n.屯門), Tung Chung (n.東涌), Tsing Yi (n.青衣), Tai Po (n.大埔) and Tseung Kwan O (n.將軍澳).
      Seven proposals are on natural but not protected shorelines at Lung Kwu Tan (n.龍鼓灘) and Tai Lam Chung (n.大欖涌).
      (The Standard, January 5)


      1. mega (adj) /'meg?瑆/,MEG-ga 巨大的、大量的
      解讀:文中的mega island是巨型島,又例如mega hit是極熱門的歌曲;mega有時會跟另一字連在一起,例如megabucks(必須用複數)是一大筆錢,megalith是古代祭祀用的巨石,而megabyte則專指電腦的百萬位元。
      2. float (v) /fl?瑆?痸t/,FLOW-t 浮動、提出
      解讀:float固然可解作浮動、漂浮,例如︰Wood floats on water是木能浮於水上;但float尚可解作提出一項建議或計劃;雖然海島其實並非浮於水面,但興建人工島便有如島嶼自海底浮起,標題因而幽默用上了float一字表示提出建議。
      3. hectare (n) /'hekte?瑆/,HECK-tare 公頃、一萬平方米
      解讀:are除了是一個verb to be外,尚可作名詞,解作公畝,即一百平方米,這時讀如air;字根hect(o)-常用於單位前,解作一百,因此hectare便是一百公畝,即一萬平方米,中文名稱是公頃;而一公頃大約相當於二點五英畝(acre(s))。