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Electric shocks 電力驚魂
( 2011-12-30 )

      Be prepared (adj.準備好的) for shocks (n.震驚) from your electricity bills (n.帳單) if Hong Kong(n.香港)'s two big power (n.電力) providers (n.供應商) get their way (v.一意孤行).
      CLP Power (n.中電) and Hongkong Electric (n.香港電燈、港燈) are demanding hefty (adj.巨大的) tariff (n.收費表) increases - 9.2 percent and 6.3 percent respectively (adv.依次地、分別地) - starting next year.
      The companies blame (v.歸因於) surging (adj.激增的) fuel costs and the government's stringent (adj.嚴格的) emission (n.排放) reduction target (n.目標) for their actions.
      CLP managing director (n.總裁) Richard Lancaster (n.藍凌志) says his company is facing an "inevitable (adj.無可避免的) need" for an increase.
      Their proposals (n.建議) came under heavy fire (n.抨擊) from the Environment (n.環境) Bureau (n.局) and lawmakers (n.立法會議員) during a Legislative Council (n.立法會) economic development panel (n.(事務)委員會) meeting yesterday.
      Secretary (n.局長) for Environment Edward Yau Tang-wah (n.邱騰華), noting (v.指出) that such increases would be above the rate of inflation (n.通脹), declared them to be "unacceptable (adj.不能接受的)."
      Lawmakers including Lee Cheuk-yan (n.李卓人) and Ronny Tong Ka-wah (n.湯家驊) criticized (v.批評) the companies for seeking to take profit at the maximum 9.9 percent, at which point there is a government cap (n.最高限額).
      (The Standard, December 14)


      1. shock (n) /?瓿?忀k/,sh-OCK 震驚、驚愕
      解讀:shock本指震驚、驚愕,例如感到震驚可說feel / have / get a shock;但shock也可專指觸電、電擊,全名是electric shock,例如︰He got a(n) (electric) shock while changing a light bulb(他更換燈泡時觸電);本文談到電費加價令人震驚,因而幽默地用上了electric shock(s)一語。
      2. hefty (adj) /'hefti/,HEF-tee 巨大的、可觀的
      解讀:hefty可指一樣東西或一個人大而重,例如︰He is a hefty man of over 300 pounds(他身材高大,重逾三百磅);hefty也可指數目上是巨大的、可觀的,尤指不尋常或出乎意料之外的,文中便是這個意思。
      3. tariff (n) /'t?紓r?笈f/,TAE-riff 收費表、價目表
      解讀:留意tariff並非指單一的價錢(price),而是指收費表、價目表,即a list of fixed prices;但翻譯作中文時,很多時候其實又即泛指各項收費,未必要說清楚是收費表,例如文中的hefty tariff increases便是大幅加價。