Astronomers (n.天文學家) have confirmed (v.證實) the existence of an Earth(n.地球)-like planet (n.行星) in the "habitable (adj.宜居住的) zone" around a star (n.恆星) not unlike (adj.不相似的) our own.
The planet, Kepler(n.開普勒)-22b, lies (v.位於) about 600 light-years (n.光年) away and is about 2.4 times the size of Earth, and has a temperature of about 22℃.
However, the team does not yet (adv.尚(未)) know if Kepler-22b is made mostly (adv.主要地) of rock, gas or liquid.
During the conference (n.會議) at which the result was announced, the Kepler team also said that it had spotted (v.發現) some (adv.大約) 1,094 new candidate (n.候選者) planets.
The Kepler space telescope (n.望遠鏡) is sensitive (adj.靈敏的) enough to see when a planet passes in front of its host (n.宿主) star, dimming (v.使暗淡) the star's light by a minuscule (adj.微小的) amount.
The Kepler team had to wait for three passes (n.經過) of the planet before upping (v.提升) its status (n.地位) from "candidate" to "confirmed (adj.已證實的)".
Kepler-22b lies 15% closer to its sun (n.主星) than the Earth is to our Sun (n.太陽), and its year takes about 290 days. However, the planet's host star puts out (v.產生) about 25% less light, keeping the planet at its balmy (adj.暖和宜人的) temperature that would support the existence of liquid water.
(BBC, December 5)
1. planet (n) /'pl?紓n?笈t/,PLAN-nit 行星
解讀:一個類似太陽系(Solar System)的系統主要有兩種星體,一種是在中央的star(恆星),另一種就是圍繞這顆主星(host star)運行的planet(行星);留意planet的末音節並非讀如-net,而是-nit。
2. habitable (adj) /'h?紓b?笈t?瑆bl/,HAB-bit-ta-bl 宜居住的、適合棲居的
解讀:動詞inhabit解作居住、棲居,例如︰Polar bears inhabit this region(北極熊在這地區棲居);inhabit的形容詞可以是inhabitable,但也可以是文中的habitable,意思都是指宜居住的;反義詞則是uninhabitable(不宜居住的)。
3. minuscule (adj) /'m?笈n?瑆skju:l/,MIN-nuss-kewl 微小的、極小的
解讀:minuscule的原義是字母的小寫,後來引申指微小的、極小的,即extremely small;另一個意思和拼法都相近的字是minute(這時讀如my-NEWT);美國人也會把minuscule讀如min-NUSS-kewl。