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Net fun proves serious for lawmakers 網上惡搞圖文 立會慎重研究
( 2011-12-09 )

      Legislators(n.立法會議員)' opinions will be sought on whether poking (v.捅) fun at the work of others may be exempted (v.豁免) from copyright (n.版權) protection laws.
      A government spokesman (n.發言人) said yesterday netizens (n.網民) are worried the Copyright (Amendment (n.修訂)) Bill (n.條例草案) 2011 (n.《2011年版權(修訂)條例草案》) may end the "creative" streak (n.特質) of people and pose (v.造成) a threat (n.威脅) to freedom of expression (n.表達、言論) on the internet (n.互聯網).
      This type of behavior is increasingly common online (adv.在網上) when some netizens choose to have fun by changing people's work such as songs or pictures.
      But a government spokesman said the bill does not aim to target (v.針對) such behavior.
      Under the proposed (adj.建議的) bill, those who distribute (v.分發) the work of others without their consent (n.同意) using any kind of electronic transmission (n.傳播) may face civil (adj.民事的) action.
      In considering (v.考慮) whether the infringement (n.侵犯(權益)) is criminal (adj.刑事的), a decision would be based on the purpose of the distribution, the nature of the work, its commercial value, the amount and the substance (n.內容) of the portion (n.部分) copied (v.抄襲) and distributed, the mode (n.方式) of distribution and the economic prejudice (n.損害權益) caused to the copyright owner as a consequence (n.後果) of the distribution.
      (The Standard, November 18)


      1. poke (v) /p?瑆?痸k/,p-OAK 捅、戳
      解讀:poke本解作捅、戳,以至塞進、探(頭)等動作,例如poke one's head around the corner是從轉角處探出頭來;文中的poke / poking fun at則解作開玩笑、嘲弄等,即香港人常說的“惡搞”,受詞可以是事物或人,文中是前者,又例如poke fun at him(嘲弄他)則是後者。
      2. netizen (n) /'net?笈z?瑆n/,NET-ti-zun 網民、上網一族
      3. infringement (n) /?笈n'fr?笈nd?甝m?瑆nt/,in-FRINGE-munt 侵犯(權益)、觸犯(法規)
      解讀:動詞infringe可解作侵犯(權益)、觸犯(法規)等,例如infringe copyright是侵犯版權;名詞便是infringement,意思相若,例如infringement of copyright是侵犯   版權,也常說作breach of copyright。