• 字體:

( 2011-12-09 )

1. It will ______ rain today. (=It's likely to rain today.)
      5. If you want to stop the music temporarily, press the ______ button.
      7. They ______ a basement when they first came to Vancouver. [租]
      9. In case of fire, use the emergency ______. [出口]
      10. You should diversify your investments [分散投資]. Don't put all your eggs in one ______. 
      12. A drug for pain, fever and headache. [阿司匹林]
      14. A lottery game.

1. A young dog.
      2. The ______ of 7, 11 and 12 is 10. 
      3. He paid his neighbour's son to mow the ______.
      4. To become a member of the association, you have to meet a few ______. [條]
      6. I'll assume the meeting is on ______ I hear from you. (=If I don't hear from you, I'll assume the meeting is going to be held.)
      8. The touch and feel of a surface. Example: the ______ of silk. [質地]
      10. Turn off the heat when the water starts to ______. [水滾 ]
      11. British English word for "faucet" [水龍頭]
      12. Don't be late. The train leaves sharply ______ 2 p.m.
      13. The weather got ______ cold that the water pipes burst.

      自學課程一套, 可獲贈《牛津高階詞典》一本。數量有限,送完即止。