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Parents to see sex offenders list 性罪犯名冊 家長或將可查閱
( 2011-12-02 )

      Parents may get the chance to check records for sex offenders (n.罪犯) when seeking tutors (n.補習老師) for their kids.
      The chances of that happening will be up for discussion once a voluntary (adj.自願的) registry (n.登記) system is running next month, though as it stands (v.處於某狀態) now it's only for institutions (n.機構). The review (n.檢討) will be conducted about six months from now.
      The first phase (n.階段) of the Sexual Conviction (n.定罪) Record Check Scheme (n.《性罪行定罪記錄查核》) will only cover (v.包括) work relating to children and mentally (adv.精神上) disabled (adj.無(行為)能力的) people and run a rule over teachers, caretakers (n.照顧……的人) and school drivers.
      The scheme covers offenses (n.罪行) that include indecent (adj.猥褻的) assault (n.侵犯人身), rape (n.強姦) and intercourse (n.性交) with a girl under 16. But it excludes (v.不包括) Peeping Toms (n.偷窺者) and indecent exposure (n.暴露(身體)).
      Under the system, employers (n.僱主) can ask job seekers (n.尋求者) to undergo (v.進行) a sexual conviction record check.
      Prospective (adj.可能的) employees (n.僱員) will submit (v.遞交) applications and provide fingerprints (n.指模) for verification (n.核實(身分)) to police headquarters (n.總部) in Wan Chai (n.灣仔) in person (adv.親身). Applicants (n.申請人) will then be given a 14-digit (n.數位) code (n.密碼).
      Prospective employers can log into (v.登入) the phone-based system and use the code to check someone for sex-crime convictions.
      (The Standard, November 15)


      1. offender (n) /?瑆'fend?瑆/,a-FEN-da 罪犯、犯罪者
      解讀:動詞offend解作犯罪、犯法,例如︰He started offending at the age of twenty(他二十歲開始犯法),而offender便是罪犯,標題和文中的sex offender(s)則是性罪犯;文中的offense(s)是名詞,解作犯罪、罪行,是美式拼法,英式是offence(s)。
      2. conviction (n) /k?瑆n'v?笈k?瓿?瑆n/,
      kun-VICK-shun 定罪、判罪
      解讀:動詞convict(讀如kun-VICK-t)解作定罪、判罪,常用被動語態,例如︰She was convicted of murder(她謀殺罪名成立);名詞便是conviction,意思相若;convict也可作名詞,指已定罪的犯人,這時讀如KON-vick-t。
      3. indecent (adj) /?笈n'di:s?瑆nt/,
      in-DEE-sunt 猥褻的、下流的
      解讀:形容詞decent解作適當的、正派的,例如a decent man是正人君子;反義詞便是indecent,可指猥褻的、下流的,而文中的indecent assault(猥褻地侵犯人身)其實即是非禮,又例如indecent photos是淫褻的照片。