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Simulated Mars mission 'lands' back on Earth 模擬火星任務“ 陸”返回地球
( 2011-11-25 )

      Six men locked away (v.鎖在室內) in steel tubes for a year-and-a-half to simulate (v.模擬) a mission (n.任務) to Mars (n.火星) have emerged (v.出來) from isolation (n.隔離).
      The Mars500 project, undertaken (v.進行) at a Moscow (n.莫斯科) institute (n.研究所), was intended (v.以……為目的) to find out how the human mind and body would cope (v.應付) on a long-duration (n.期間) spaceflight (n.太空飛行).
      It is a venture (n.活動) that has fascinated (v.迷住) all who have followed it around the globe (n.地球).
      The study even saw three of the men carry out a pretend (adj.假裝的) landing (n.陸) on Mars, donning (v.穿上) real spacesuits (n.太空衣) and walking across an enclosed (adj.封閉的) sandy (adj.鋪滿沙的) yard (n.場地).
      "It's really great to see you all again - rather overwhelming (adj.情緒激動的)," said a European (adj.歐洲的) Space (n.太空) Agency (n.署) (Esa) participant after stepping through the opened hatch (n.艙口) of the Mars500 "spaceship".
      "On the Mars500 mission, we have achieved on Earth (n.地球) the longest space voyage (n.旅程) ever (adv.有史以來) so that humankind (n.人類) can one day greet (v.迎接) a new dawn (n.黎明) on the surface of a distant (adj.遙遠的), but reachable (adj.可及的), planet (n.行星)."
      The rest of the crew (n.全體工作人員) included three Russians (n.俄羅斯人), a European (n.歐洲人) and Chinese (n.中國的) national (n.國民) Wang Yue (n.王躍).
      (BBC, November 4)


      1. simulate (v) /'s?笈mj?痸le?笈t/,
      SIM-new-late 模擬、模仿
      解讀:simulate所謂的模擬、模仿,經常專指使用電腦或實體模型等;但simulate尚可指其他方面的模仿,例如an electric lamp that simulates a real candle(模仿真蠟燭的電燈);標題中的simulated是過去分詞充當形容詞。
      2. pretend (adj) /pr?笈'tend/,pri-TEND 假裝的、想像的
      解讀:pretend固然可作動詞,解作假裝、在遊戲中扮作,例如︰Let's pretend that we are doctors(我們假扮醫生吧);但pretend也可作形容詞,意思相若,但只限於放在名詞前面,例如文中的pretend landing是假裝的陸,又例如pretend food是假的食物。
      3. overwhelming (adj) /?瑆?痸v?瑆'welm?笈?痯/,oh-va-WELL-ming 無法抗拒的、情緒激動的
      解讀:動詞overwhelm可指壓倒、使感情高漲等,例如︰The beauty of the setting sun overwhelmed us(落日壯麗,令我們陶醉);形容詞overwhelming的意思相若,可指情緒激動的,文中便是這個意思。