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世界人口 達七十億
( 2011-11-18 )

      Today, you are one of 7 billion (n.十億) people on Earth (n.地球).
      This historic (adj.具歷史意義的) milestone (n.轉捩點) is rekindling (v.使復甦) age-old (adj.由來已久的) debates over birth control (n.節育), protecting natural resources and reducing consumption (n.耗用). It also has (v.使作出反應) many wondering (v.疑問) whether the Earth can support so many people.
      About half were added just in the past 40 years, and 3 billion more are expected (v.預計) by 2100.
      Global (adj.全球的) population has swelled (v.增加) in record (adj.破紀錄的) time since 1987, when it hit 5 billion.
      "Currently (adv.現時), world population is growing at the most rapid pace (n.速度) in history," says Carl Haub (n.侯布), a demographer (n.人口統計學家) at the Population Reference Bureau (n.人口資料局). "In 1900, we were at 1.6 billion. In 99 years, we flipped (v.快速翻動) the numbers to 6.1 billion."
      The world is adding more people in less time but the annual (adj.每年的) growth rate is slowing down - from 2.1% in the late 1960s to 1.2% today - reflecting (v.反映) lower birth rates.
      "In 1999, when we passed the 6 billion mark (n.指標、大關), the world economy was in hyperdrive (n.欣欣向榮)," says Robert Lang (n.藍格), urban (adj.城市的) sociologist (n.社會學家) at the University of Nevada(n.內華達)-Las Vegas (n.(美國)拉斯維加斯). "Now we pass the 7 billion mark in a recession (n.經濟衰退) and there's much pessimism (n.悲觀)."
      (USA Today, October 31)


      1. hit (v) /hit/,h-IT 達到、到達
      解讀:動詞hit本指打、擊、命中等,因而引申指達到某個水平,例如標題的hit(s) 7 billion(達到七十億)或文中的hit 5 billion(達到五十億),又例如hit an all-time high / low是達到新高/低點;hit也可指到達某地方。
      2. billion (n) /'b?笈lj?瑆n/,BI-lyun 十億、1,000,000,000
      解讀:留意billion是十億,並非一億;中文的記數方式以一萬為單元,而一萬的一萬便是一億;但英文的記數方式則以1,000為單元,因而有thousand(1,000、千)、million(1,000,000、百萬)、billion      (1,000,000,000、十億)、trillion(1,000,000,000,000、兆)等。
      3. milestone (n) /'ma?笈lst?瑆?痸n/,MILE-stone 里程碑、轉捩點