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US woman gives birth after running marathon 跑畢馬拉松 美孕婦誕女
( 2011-11-03 )

      When a 27-year old woman gave birth just hours after completing the Chicago (n.芝加哥) marathon (n.馬拉松) on Sunday, her labor (n.分娩、生孩子) and delivery (n.分娩、生孩子) made national news.
      Some of the coverage (n.新聞報道) simply reported the birth of a healthy, 7 pound 9 ounce (n.安士) girl to the mother Amber Miller (n.米勒), who was almost 39 weeks pregnant (adj.懷孕的) when she ran her eighth marathon over the weekend. Many of the stories marveled (v.大為讚歎) at her athleticism (n.體格健壯) and perseverance (n.不屈不撓).
      But the accomplishment (n.成就) also led many people to ask: Is that safe?
      The American (adj.美國的) Congress (n.大會) of Obstetricians (n.產科醫生) and Gynecologists (n.婦科醫生) advises at least 30 minutes of exercise on most, if not all, days of the week. Among other benefits, physical activity can reduce backaches and constipation (n.便秘), improve mood (n.情緒), energy and sleep, and help women endure (v.忍受) and recover better from labor.
      So (conj.那麼), how far is too far?
      While not a professional (adj.專業的) runner, Miller held way (adv.很遠地) back (v.抑制) for her recent marathon. She finished it in six and a half hours instead of her usual three and a half. And she walked about half of it.
      (Discovery News, October 11)

      1. labor (n) /'le?笈b?瑆/,LAY-ba 分娩、生孩子
      解讀:美式拼法的labor或英式拼法的labour固然可解作勞動、勞力,但也可專指分娩、生孩子,本文便是這個意思;文中的labor and delivery,當中的delivery固然可解作傳送、提供,但同樣可指分娩、生孩子,與labor意思很相近。
      2. athleticism (n) /?紓?畷'let?笈s?笈z?瑆m/,
      ath-LET-ti-si-zm 體格健壯、健美
      解讀:形容詞athletic解作體育運動的,有時專指田徑運動的,例如athletic competition是體育競賽,athletic meeting是體育/田徑/陸運會;athletic也可形容詞一個人是體格健壯的、健美的,名詞便是athleticism。
      3. perseverance (n) / p?捵:s?笈'v?笈?瑆r?瑆ns/,
      per-si-VEER-runs 不屈不撓、堅持不懈
      解讀:動詞persevere(讀作per-si-VEER)解作不屈不撓、堅持不懈,例如︰Despite all the obstacles, we must persevere(儘管困難重重,我們必須堅持不懈);名詞便是perseverance,意思相若。