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漂亮的mea culpa 未必受用
( 2011-11-04 )

      Two new studies have identified a surprising penalty for good looks, with implications for professional and personal settings alike.
      Penalty解懲罰。相貌天生成,所以不應以貌取人,調過頭來看,原來美麗也可以是罪。最新的研究發現,good looks是要受罰的,在工作和個人生活上也出現這種情況:
      Researchers from Germany find the well-known beauty bias is actually flipped when attractive job candidates are appraised(評核) by a same-sex evaluator(評核者). Researchers from the U.S., separately, show a similarly negative effect when good-looking people have their apologies judged by their own gender.

      同性相拒 異性相吸
      結果發現,這與面試考官和道歉對象的性別(gender)有關。Beauty bias是因漂亮而得到的優待。當考官與考生性別相同,情況就會flip(倒轉)過來。道歉也是一樣。
      "There are a lot of studies that show attractive people make more money, are more likely to get hired and get lighter sentences in court when they're convicted of crimes. But this shows the benefits might not be across the board," says April Phillips, co-author of the American research.
      (負責美國的研究其中一位學者April Phillips說:“有很多研究顯示有吸引力的人賺錢較多,受聘機會較高,就算犯了事被定罪法庭判刑都會較輕。但今次的研究發現,漂亮的人並非事事都有優勢。”)
      Phillips' study, to appear in a forthcoming issue of the journal Personal Relationships, found that a beautiful woman's apology was judged by other women as less sincere than the exact same mea culpa of a less attractive female.
      April Phillips的研究是有關道歉的那一個。道歉是apologize,名詞是apology。例如︰I will apologize to my friend for being late.(我會為遲到向朋友道歉。)Please accept our apology.(請接受我們的道歉。)
      上面一段中的mea culpa是拉丁文,解my fault, through my responsibility, I am to blame,承認自己的錯誤,所以也是解道歉。漂亮的女士向同性表示的mea culpa,會被認為誠意較低。若對方是異性,那beauty bias(漂亮的優勢)便繼續有。
      Men would want to forgive a beautiful woman so the possibility of a relationship wasn't eliminated(勾消), whereas a woman might see her as a threat and thus be less open to a pardon(原諒).

      電腦專家 取代漂亮者
      其實影響人際關係的因素還有很多,看漂亮是否數這問題不必太認真。例如Garth Sundem在The Geeks' Guide to World Domination: Be Afraid, Beautiful People中,就以幽默的手法提出這個理論,就是漂亮的人統治世界的日子已結束,取代他們的是geeks(電腦專家)。文︰子慧