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Three women's rights activists share Nobel Peace Prize 三女權鬥士 獲和平諾獎
( 2011-10-28 )

Leymah Gbowee

      Liberian (adj.利比里亞的) President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf (n.約翰遜—瑟利夫), activist (n.(社會運動)活躍分子、鬥士) Leymah Gbowee (n.古博維) of Liberia (n.利比里亞) and rights (n.權利、人權) activist Tawakkul Karman (n.卡曼) of Yemen (n.也門) share this year's Nobel (n.諾貝爾(獎)) Peace Prize, the Norwegian (adj.挪威的) Nobel Committee announced Friday.
      They were chosen "for their nonviolent (adj.非暴力的) struggle for the safety of women and for women's rights to full participation (n.參與) in peace-building work."
      "We cannot achieve democracy (n.民主) and lasting (adj.永久的) peace in the world unless women obtain the same opportunities as men to influence developments at all levels of society."
      "I believe this award is for all Yemenis (n.也門人) and for all Arab (n.阿拉伯) women," Karman said. "This is a victory for peace in the Arab world, a victory for the peaceful revolution (n.革命) in Yemen."
      Johnson Sirleaf, Africa(n.非洲)'s first elected (adj.民選的) female head of state (n.國家), said the prize was shared by all her country's people.
      Gbowee "mobilized (v.動員) and organized women across ethnic (adj.種族的) and religious dividing lines (n.界限) to bring an end to the long war in Liberia," the Nobel committee said.
      (CNN, October 7)


Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

Tawakkul Karman