Canada (n.加拿大) has the best reputation (n.聲譽) in the world, says a study measuring public perceptions (n.觀感) of 50 countries around the world, released (v.發表) on Tuesday.
The Reputation Institute (n.研究所) study measures the trust (n.信任), esteem (n.尊重), admiration (n.讚賞) and good feelings (n.好感) the public holds towards 50 countries, as well as perceptions of peoples' quality of life (n.生活質量), safety and attention (n.意識) to the environment.
Results from 42,000 respondents (n.回應者) worldwide (adv.在世界各地) ranked (v.排名) Sweden (n.瑞典) next, followed by Australia (n.澳洲), Switzerland (n.瑞士) and New Zealand (n.紐西蘭), the reputation management firm said.
The countries scored (v.得分) high for their steady democracies (n.民主制度), high economic output (n.產量) per capita (adv.人均), focus on active lifestyles (n.生活方式), well developed political systems and perceived (adj.被認為的) neutrality (n.中立) to international political upheavals (n.動盪).
Being perceived as a safe country was the main driver (n.促使因素) of a country's reputation.
Pakistan (n.巴基斯坦), Iran (n.伊朗) and Iraq (n.伊拉克) were ranked lowest in the study, while the United States (n.美國) and China ( were ranked 23rd and 43rd respectively (adv.依次地).
(AFP, September 29)
1. reputation (n) / repj?痸'te?笈?瓿?瑆n/,
rep-pew-TAY-shun 聲譽、名聲
解讀:擁有聲譽,動詞可如標題和首段用have / has,此外,也可用enjoy;建立/獲得聲譽,則可說earn / gain / make / build (up) / establish / acquire the reputation等;名副其實、名實相符,可說live up to one's reputation。
2. perception (n) /p?瑆'sep?瓿?瑆n/,
pa-SEP-shun 觀感、看法
解讀:perception本指感官上的知覺、感知,例如perception of reality / the world是對現實/世界的認識;但perception也可指對人事物的意見,亦即觀感、看法,本文便是這個意思,這時perception或不可數,或用複數,兩者皆可。
3. per capita (adv) /p?瑆'k?紓p?笈t?瑆/,
pa-KAP-pit-ta 人均、每人
解讀:per capita本是拉丁文,per解作每個、每一,capita解作頭、人頭,因此per capita的字面意思是以人頭計算,因而解作人均、每人;它在文中是副詞,放在名詞後面,但它也可用作形容詞,這時放在名詞前面,例如per capita income是人均收入。