Do you know the meaning of these signs?
a. Beware of drunken drivers.
b. Road slippery when wet.
c. Be considerate to new drivers.
a. Hostile residents.
b. Watch for rock which may have fallen on the road.
c. Construction ahead.
a. Filming crew ahead.
b. Watch out for birdwatchers.
c. Survey crew ahead.
a. Watch out for crew and equipment.
b. Man having difficulty with umbrella.
c. Survey crew ahead.
At the beginning of each school year, you can be pretty sure that the police will enforce this rule rigorously in school area.
The road sign means that school children may be present and the speed limit is 30 km/h (yes, 30 km/ h. So slow down). This rule applies between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on school days.
The international road sign for Yield. Slow down as you approach an intersection with this sign. Check for traffic on the cross street. If there is traffic approaching the intersection, stop and let it go first.
1. b. Road slippery when wet.
2. b. Watch for rock which may have fallen on the road.
3. c. Survey crew ahead.
4. a. Watch out for crew and equipment.