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新聞自由 信心受創
( 2011-10-07 )

      Public satisfaction over press (n.新聞業) freedom is sliding (v.降低), despite (prep.儘管) an uptick (n.增加) in the credibility (n.公信力) ratings (n.評分) of the media (n.傳媒), a poll (n.民意調查) shows.
      Of 1,038 respondents (n.回應者) surveyed (v.調查) by the University of Hong Kong (n.香港大學) Public Opinion (n.民意) Programme two weeks ago, only 58 percent said they are happy with the current (adj.現時的) situation - a drop of 10 percentage points from the last poll in April. Those who think the media are giving full play (n.發揮) to freedom of speech (n.言論自由) fell to 68 percent, from 75 percent. But the number who feel the media practice self-censorship (n.自我審查) also dropped, from 54 percent to 46 percent.
      The credibility rating for news media rose to 6.29 points from 6.03 on a scale (n.等級) of one to 10, with fewer respondents - 57 percent instead of (prep.替代) 60 percent - saying the press abuse (v.濫用) their freedom.
      Baptist University (n.浸會大學) journalism (n.新聞業) lecturer Wong Tin-chi (n.黃天賜) said the drop in satisfaction is the direct fallout (n.後果) of events during Vice (adj.副的) Premier (n.總理) Li       Keqiang(n.李克強)'s visit last month and the government releasing (v.發布) information only through its own department. He attributed (v.歸因於) the hike (n.增加) in credibility to protests (n.抗議)  against the measures (n.措施) by journalists (n.新聞工作者).
      (The Standard, September 21)
