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Impaired driving的多重意思
( 2011-09-30 )

      發生意外,不小心當然是禍因。但也有其他因素。有論者就歸納出駕駛的七大罪行,稱為"the seven deadly sins of driving",認為其中最令人費解的,就是drunk driving(醉酒駕駛)。
      醉駕又稱為"impaired driving"。Impair解削弱、減少。Impaired則解受損的、能力減弱的,用來形容駕駛者的狀態,impaired就是指安全駕駛的能力被削弱。汽車版專欄作家Ian Law解釋為何他覺得醉駕令人費解:
      The dangers of drinking and driving are well documented and common knowledge, yet this sin is committed by drivers everyday, day in and day out. Drivers should understand that impaired driving causes more deaths than any other form of motor vehicle mishap.
      Well documented是有詳細紀錄的,common knowledge是眾所周知的。大家都知道醉駕的危險,但天天仍有人醉駕。醉駕的人大概不知道,醉駕是各類交通意外中,造成最多死亡的罪魁禍首。

      One of the first senses affected by alcohol is judgment. Unfortunately, that judgment also affects your ability to determine when to stop drinking and gauge how impaired you really are.
      Is that "one for the road" worth someone's life? It can be one expensive drink if you end up paying for it through increased insurance rates. If it is a case of "it won't happen to me," well, one day it will.
      開完派對,或在酒吧喝酒,離開前很多人都想多喝一杯,給自己一個借口,就會說"one for the road"(這杯是為上路喝的)。“上路前的一杯”如果會奪取別人的性命,值得嗎?若這杯酒令你明年保費大增,那它就真的很貴。如果你覺得“這種事不會發生在我身上”,但始終有一天會。

      Aside from drinking and driving, the other common form of impairment is distraction(分神).
      Most people do not realize that talking on a cellphone, texting (打短訊), chatting with passengers, and day dreaming(心不在焉) impair your ability to process critical(重要的) driving information such as traffic flow, road and weather conditions, pedestrians and any other vital(主要的) information about your driving environment that can prevent a crash.
      任何令你分神的事情都會影響你安全駕駛的判斷力。此外,"Another common form of impairment is fatigue(疲倦)." 若家中有孩子已到了學車年齡,便應該趁早向他們灌輸安全駕駛的概念。Timothy C. Smith的Crashproof Your Kids: Make Your Teen Safer, Smarter Driver是好的參考。