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Cell phone是health hazard
( 2011-09-23 )


      (CNN) - If you've ever pretended to be talking on your cell phone to avoid talking to, or acknowledging, someone nearby - you're not alone. One in 13 Americans have used this ploy, a new survey says.

      負責調查的是Pew Internet and American Life Project。調查亦探討了智能手機的the pros and cons(利與弊)。有以下的發現:
      Cell phones are great for quick information retrieval, Pew found. But not having fast mobile access to info can cause problems.
      Retrieval是尋回,而quick information retrieval就是迅速找資料。好用的東西的壞處是一旦沒得用,就會覺得很不方便。
      "Half of all adult cell owners (51%) had used their phone at least once to get information they needed right away," the report said. "One quarter (27%) said that they experienced a situation in the previous month in which they had trouble doing something because they did not have their phone at hand."
      And smartphones' growing rep as a tool for killing time? More than 40% of all cell owners entertain themselves with their phone when bored. (For users 18-29, that's 70%.)
      Rep是reputation的簡寫。Killing time就是打發時間。超過四成人有用手機的娛樂功能為自己解悶。但你有沒有想過,滿身都是電子器材,原來對健康有害(health hazard)?
      Ann Louise Gittleman的Zapped: Why Your Cell Phone Shouldn't Be Your Alarm Clock and 1,268 Ways to Outsmart the Hazards of Electronic Pollution,教你應付的方法。文︰子慧