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( 2011-09-09 )

      "Charisma is as seductive as it is elusive; its powers are hard to resist and equally hard to pinpoint."  Seductive是令人迷的。Elusive是難以捉摸的。‘魅力既醉人也難以捉摸;它的力量令人難以抗拒,但同樣也難以準確指出。’
      But in recent years, researchers have been studying this seemingly intangible quality(難以捉摸的特質) - the je ne sais quoi(不知是什麼東西) that separates, say, a Bill Clinton from an Al Gore - and making it concrete(有形的、實質的).
      Je ne sais quoi本是法文,原意是‘我不知是什麼’(I don't know what),即難以描述的事物。美國前總統克林頓(Bill Clinton)與他的副總統戈爾(Al Gore)的分別很明顯,Clinton有魅力,Al Gore則平實。但是什麼令人對他們有不同的印象,就是je ne sais quoi,一種難以描述的事物。

      研究解構charisma,令它不再是je ne sais quoi。Claremont McKenna College的Ronald Riggio的研究發現,charisma有三大元素:
      They are expressiveness (a talent for spontaneously striking up conversations and easily conveying feelings); control (the ability to fine-tune your persona to fit the mood and social makeup of any group); and sensitivity (a gift for listening and sussing out other people's mind-sets).
      Sus解猜測。Sussing out就是估量得到。Charismatic(有魅力的) people通常都有這幾種特質,而貫通這幾種技能的,就是溝通的能力︰
      "A lot of charisma comes down to how you communicate," Riggio says. "It's your ability to pick up on other people's emotions as well as express your own."
      For example, a modest amount(小量的) of fidgeting(坐立不安) and nervous energy - which might normally be viewed as a negative - is often a sign that someone is excited about a conversation and wants the other person to catch that same passion(熱忱).
      When a charismatic person connects with someone, their autonomic nervous system becomes aroused - their attention is locked onto that person and they're tingling(激動) with energy. One result: They talk faster. In fact, a 2005 study showed that people who speak quickly were rated as more charismatic than those who take their time.
      原來說話快和有點激動是令人覺得你有魅力的因素之一。專家認為,charisma並不一定是天生的,後天也可以訓練出來。其中一種方法很容易,是focus outward(向外專注)。
      "People pay attention to those who pay attention to them",留意別人,對別人說話表示興趣,可以提升自己的吸引力。Joseph Roach的IT,分析魅力是何物。