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Don't blame us 別歸咎我們
( 2011-09-09 )

      The president (n.總統) of the Philippines (n.菲律賓) argued yesterday that a lone (adj.獨行的) gunman (n.槍手) and not his country was to blame (v.負上罪責) for the deaths of eight Hong Kong (n.香港) tourists last year, so he would not issue (v.發出) an apology (n.道歉) in the name of the state.
      Benigno Aquino (n.阿基諾三世) was rejecting (v.拒絕) calls (n.要求) from the next of kin (n.家屬) of the dead and survivors (n.生還者) as they gathered in Manila (n.馬尼拉) yesterday - the anniversary (n.周年紀念) of the tragedy (n.慘劇) - at the site (n.地點) where police botched (v.笨拙地弄糟) a rescue (n.拯救) of hostages (n.人質) on a tourist bus.
      "An apology connotes (v.暗示) that the state did them grievous (adj.嚴重的) harm," he said. "I don't think that is correct."
      He acknowledged (v.承認) that rescuers could have performed better but said any police force would face serious limitations (n.限制) in responding to a gunman who suddenly changed his negotiating (adj.談判的) position (n.立場).
      The hostage fiasco (n.慘敗) triggered (v.引起) outrage (n.公憤) in Hong Kong, which maintains a black travel alert (n.警示) on the Philippines.
      And Chief Executive (n.行政長官) Donald Tsang Yam-kuen (n.曾蔭權) said yesterday that the SAR (n.特區) will not consider dropping (v.撤銷) that alert until Manila takes effective measures (n.措施) to protect the safety of Hong Kong tourists.
      (The Standard, August 24)


      1. blame (v) /ble?笈m/,b-LAME 歸咎、指責
      解讀:blame一般都不採用被動語態,標題的Don't blame us(別歸咎我們)固然是主動語態,即使首段用到blame一字而把被指責的對象(his country)放在主語位置時,都只須說was to blame,而不說was to be blamed,這是blame的特有之處。
      2. botch (v) /b?忀t?瓿/,BOT-ch 笨拙地弄糟、搞砸
      解讀:botch大致相當於spoil、ruin等,即弄糟、搞砸,但botch專指因笨拙、出錯而弄糟一件事,因此我們不能說bad weather botched the concert之類;此字後面常用介系詞up,但不用也可,文中便沒有使用。
      3. fiasco (n) /fi'?紓sk?瑆?痸/,fi-ASS-koh 慘敗、尷尬的結局