• 字體:

作文注意 parts of speech
( 2011-08-05 )

      今日再談作文,修改同學的雅思作文功課時,發現許多學生對生字(vocabulary)的理解不夠全面,意思是說他們學生字,只會記其中一種或兩種詞性(parts of speech),如動詞(verb)或名詞(noun)。例如同學可能先學“威脅”的英文動詞threaten與名詞threat,但是到實際作文時,他們須用到該字的其他詞性,如形容詞(adjective)或副詞(adverb),很少同學會認真查字典,通常都是把文法拋諸腦後,不管詞性正確與否,明知是錯,也先填上完整的意思,好像寫出以下句子︰
      The wealthy man received a threaten (應為threatening) letter.

      1. 名詞與動詞混淆
      a. We analysis different aspects of the issue.
      b. We need to know the distinguishes between plan A and plan B.
      2. 形容詞與名詞混淆
      c. Parents should try their best to tell the children what is false and what is truth.
      d. With the development of economic and society, we have to adapt ourselves to the ever-changing environment.
      3. 形容詞與副詞混淆
      e. Those who speak English very bad often hide themselves at the corner in gatherings.
      f.  We general feel consoled when we step out of the church.
      g. If everyone is willing to give love and help, we could all live comfortable and easy.
      4. 形容詞與動詞混淆
      h. Travelling abroad can wide my view and broad my horizon.

      除了多查字典外,多記一些字首(prefix)和字尾(suffix)肯定對使用正確的詞性有幫助,如en加在某些字的前頭或最尾均有動詞化作用,例如︰rich→enrich(豐富), danger→endanger(危害), length→lengthen(延長), less→lessen(減少), strength→strengthen(加強)。還有,字尾加上-dom、-ship等字眼有名詞化作用,例如hard→hardship或wise→wisdom。
      另外,有好些字本身並未有副詞形態,例如friendly、lovely,若要用作副詞,便須再加以意譯,如將之寫成in a friendly way、in a lovely manner,寫作時須多加留意。

      a. analyze  b. distinctions c. true
      d. economy   e. badly  f. generally
      g. comfortably, easily  h. widen, broaden

      文︰Jess Wong