Hong Kong (n.香港) police (n.警方) say they have arrested (v.拘捕) more than 200 people following demonstrations (n.示威) over rising (adj.正在上升的) property (n.樓房) prices and proposed (adj.建議的) political changes.
Tens of thousands had rallied (v.集會) on Friday and police moved in (v.從各方進逼) to make arrests (n.拘捕) after some of the protesters (n.示威者) refused to leave the central business district at dawn (n.黎明) on Saturday.
Police used pepper (n.胡椒) spray (n.噴霧) to break up (v.解散) the protests (n.示威).
A rally (n.集會) is held every year on 1 July, the day in 1997 Chinese (adj.中國的) rule returned.
The police said in a statement (n.聲明): "To restore (v.恢復) peace (n.安寧) and social order, as well as to guarantee (v.保障) public safety and to let the traffic resume (v.恢復), police decided to act and arrest the protesters."
One of the main aims of the protest was to stop a government proposal (n.建議) to scrap (v.取消) by-elections (n.補選) to the legislature (n.立法會) and fill the seats (n.議席) according to earlier results.
The protesters see the move (n.舉動) as infringing (v.侵害) democratic (adj.民主的) rights. They are also angry at soaring (adj.急升的) property prices.
Organisers said 218,000 people had taken part (v.參與) on Friday, although police said it was only a quarter (n.四分之一) of that.
(BBC, July 2)
1. rally (n, v) /'r?紓li/,RAE-lee
解讀:rally可用作名詞或動詞,都是指集會、集合,在標題和第四段是名詞,在第二段是動詞;遊行、示威、集會等經常出現rally、march(遊行)、demonstrate / demonstration、protest等,當中的rally、march、protest都可作名詞或動詞。
2. by-election (n) /'ba?笈?笈 lek?瓿?瑆n/,
BY-election 補缺選舉、補選
3. infringe (v) /?笈n'fr?笈nd?甝/,
in-FRINGE 侵害、違反
解讀:infringe的受詞經常是各種right(s)(權利),例如文中的democratic right(s)(民主權利),又例如infringe copyright / patent是侵犯版權/專利權;此外,常見的尚有infringe a regulation / code(違反規章/準則)。