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Cast out 影星遭驅逐
( 2011-07-15 )

      Hollywood (n.好萊塢) star Michelle Yeoh (n.楊紫瓊), who plays pro-democracy (adj.爭取民主的) champion (n.鬥士) Aung San Suu Kyi (n.昂山素姬) in an upcoming (adj.即將推出的) film, has been deported (v.驅逐出境) by Burma (n.緬甸) and blacklisted (v.列入黑名單).
      The Malaysian (adj.馬來西亞的) actress arrived in the country's main city, Rangoon (n.仰光), on June 22 and was deported the same day because she was on a blacklist (n.黑名單), a government official said.
      "She did not have the chance to enter Myanmar (n.緬甸) again. She was deported straight away (adv.即時地) on the first flight (n.航班) after arriving at Yangon (n.仰光) International Airport," the official said, using the junta(n.軍政府)'s names for the country and its capital (n.首都).
      The Malaysian-born former (adj.曾經的) Bond (n.占士邦) girl met Suu Kyi, a Nobel (n.諾貝爾(獎)) Peace Prize winner, at her Rangoon home in December.
      This was after shooting (v.拍攝) scenes with French (adj.法國的) director (n.導演) Luc Besson (n.洛比桑) in Thailand (n.泰國) for the production of the movie, The Lady. 
      Suu Kyi, who turned 66 this month, was freed in November after seven straight (adj.連續的) years of house arrest (n.軟禁).
      Yeoh, 48, a former Miss Malaysia, also starred (v.主演) in Crouching (adj.蹲伏的) Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Memoirs (n.回憶錄) Of A Geisha (n.日本藝伎).
      (The Standard, June 29)

      在此之前,她與法國導演洛比桑在泰國拍攝電影《The Lady》的場景。

      1.  cast (n, v) /k?瑂:st/,KAH-st 全體演員、拋擲
      解讀:cast可用作名詞或動詞,作名詞時可指全體演員,即所謂“卡士”、陣容,作動詞時則可指拋擲,甚至可解作選派角色;短語動詞cast out解作趕走、驅逐,本文因談及影星與電影,於是便故意用上cast一字;留意cast的過去式和過去分詞都是cast。
      2.  deport (v) /d?笈'p?瓡:t/,dip-PORT 驅逐出境、遞解出境
      3.  Burma (n) /'b?捵:m?瑆/,BUR-ma 緬甸、緬甸聯邦共和國
      解讀:緬甸曾是英國殖民地,Burma便是當時沿用至今的國名,但軍政府(junta)在一九八九年把國名改為Myanmar;至於仰光,軍政府也從慣用的Rangoon改作Yangon,更於二○○六年把首都遷往      Naypyidaw(內比都);然而,一些國家和國際機構不承認緬甸軍政府的合法性,因而依然沿用Burma和Rangoon二字,並堅持首都依然是仰光。