"Online retail giant Amazon said that sales of digital books for the Kindle electronic reader have surpassed sales of print books."早前最大的網上書籍零售商Amazon發出了以上的宣布,電子書銷量已超越傳統的印刷書籍。Surpass就是超越。
Amazon的總裁Jeff Bezos說,這是意料中事,但未有想過會來得這樣快︰
"We had high hopes(高期望) that this would happen eventually, but we never imagined it would happen this quickly. We've been selling print books for 15 years and Kindle books for less than four years."
儘管如此,有人仍覺得傳統書籍有電子書永不能取代的特質。專欄作家Andrew Irvine這樣寫道:
Of course there are advantages to being able to retrieve countless volumes of electronic information at the touch of a button. But it's important not to confuse retrieving information with reading.
Many sources of information are not intended to be read. They're meant to be checked(查) or scanned(快讀), or browsed(瀏覽) or inspected(檢視). They've been created to leaf through(匆匆翻閱), to glance at(掃視), to skim(略讀). No one reads a telephone directory.
At the top of most people's list is the so-called fondle(撫弄) factor. While reading, most people still prefer the touch and feel and look and smell of the printed page. This is something that's unlikely to change, despite advances in technology. There's also the permanence(永恆性) factor. One advantage traditional books(傳統書籍) have over electronic screens is that a book will still be able to be read decades or even centuries after being printed. This isn't true of any other technology.
Toby Osborne的The Future of Books: How the World is Changing for Readers and Authors,研究書的未來路向。