A five-year-old boy who had chickenpox (n.水痘) died yesterday morning from suspected (adj.懷疑的) scarlet (n.鮮紅、猩紅) fever (n.發熱).
That came as the Centre for Health Protection (n.生防護中心) declared that Hong Kong (n.香港) is facing an epidemic (n.流行病、疫症) of scarlet fever - a childhood (n.童年) scourge (n.禍害) that has mutated (v.變異).
"We are facing an epidemic because the bacteria (n.細菌) causing scarlet fever is widely circulating (v.流行) in this region - not only in Hong Kong but neighboring (adj.鄰近的) places such as the mainland (n.大陸) and Macau (n.澳門)," said centre controller (n.總監) Thomas Tsang Ho-fai (n.曾浩輝).
He was referring (v.提到) to Streptococcus pyogenes (n.釀膿鏈球菌、甲類鏈球菌), the bacterium (n.細菌) that causes scarlet fever. Symptoms (n.症狀) include fever, body rashes (n.紅疹) and a strawberry(n.草莓)-colored tongue and the disease usually affects children between two and eight years of age.
The boy had chickenpox, body rashes and fever from last Wednesday and had seen a doctor for chickenpox, the centre said. He was admitted (v.准許進入) to Prince of Wales Hospital (n.威爾斯親王醫院) on Sunday and transferred (v.轉移) within hours to Princess Margaret Hospital (n.瑪嘉烈醫院) after taking a turn (n.變化) for the worse. He then developed toxic (adj.中毒(性)的) shock (n.休克) syndrome (n.綜合症).
(The Standard, June 22)
1. scarlet (n) /'sk?瑂:l?瑆t/,SCAR-lut 鮮紅、猩紅
解讀:scarlet即是鮮紅,very bright read;在十三世紀,此字本指高貴的布匹,而由於當時很多名貴布料都是鮮紅色,scarlet遂指這種顏色;中文所謂“猩紅”,源於猩猩的血是鮮紅色的。
2. claim (v) /kle?笈m/,CLAY-m 索取、奪走
解讀:claim可解作索取、要求領取,例如claim compensation是索取賠償、索償,claim from / on one's insurance是領取保險金;claim因而引申指奪走,尤其是生命,後面常用life / lives,例如the accident claimed four lives(這宗意外奪走了四條生命)。
3. scourge (n) /sk?捵:d?甝/,s-KUR-j 禍害、災禍
解讀:scourge本解作舊時行刑用的鞭子,後來便引申指禍害、災禍;它雖可數,但大多用單數形式;the scourge of disease / drought / famine / flood / poverty / war是疾病/旱災/饑荒/水災/貧窮/戰爭的災害。