Burmese (adj.緬甸的) freedom fighter Aung San Suu Kyi (n.昂山素姬) has told activists (n.社運人士) in Hong Kong (n.香港) and the mainland (n.內地) to remember their aims and not to give up.
The Nobel (n.諾貝爾(獎)) Peace Prize laureate (n.獎項得主) was speaking via (prep.透過) live (adj.現場直播的) video conferencing (n.召開會議) in her "first dialogue (n.對話) with an Asian (adj.亞洲的) university" since her release (n.釋放) from house arrest (n.軟禁) in November as part of the University of Hong Kong(n.香港大學)'s centenary (n.百周年) lecture series.
Wearing a beige (adj.米黃色的) top (n.上衣) with a customary (adj.習慣的) flower in her hair, Suu Kyi focused her discourse (n.演講) on wisdom (n.智慧、格物) and virtue (n.德行、明德), the university's motto (n.格言、校訓) , before fielding (v.回答) questions from the floor (n.台下).
Nearly 2,000 academics (n.學者), students, and members of the public turned up (v.出席) to listen to her speak.
Calling China (n.中國) a "great country with an enormous (adj.龐大的) history," she said it is big enough to accommodate (v.容納) differing (adj.不同的) points of view (n.意見).
"You can afford (v.可以) to be daring (adj.勇敢的), you can afford to have people making different statements (n.表態). You have great people, so please open up your greatness to everybody else," she said to rapturous (adj.熱烈的) applause (n.鼓掌).
(The Standard, May 31)
1. laureate (n) /'l?忀ri?瑆t/,LOR-ri-ut 獎項得主、得獎者
解讀:laureate專指獲得崇高、重要獎項(例如一些國際大獎)的得主,因此普通或本地的獎項得主不能用此字稱呼;至於Poet Laureate則是桂冠詩人;laureate的首音節也可讀長音,即整個字讀如LAW-ri-ut。
2. centenary (n) /sen'ti:n?瑆ri/,
sen-TEEN-na-ree 百周年、一百年紀念
解讀:centenary即hundredth anniversary,當中的cent-解作一百,例如century是百年;類似的字有centennial,意思跟centenary一樣,不過多在美國使用;centenary的第二音節也可讀作-TEN-,即整個字讀如sen-TEN-na-ree。
3. field (v) /fi:ld/,FEEL-d 處理、回答
解讀:field即deal with,而處理的東西經常是問題,這時即解作回答;但處理的東西也可以是他人的評論或查詢,例如︰The customer service had to field thousands of phone calls within a day after the scandal(醜聞發生後,顧客服務部在一天內須接聽數以千計的電話)。