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Unladen sailors tell no tales 船員上岸 拒談拉登
( 2011-06-10 )

      Sailors aboard (prep.在交通公具上) the USS (n.美國船艦) Carl Vinson (n.“卡爾文森”號) said they only found out from the news that Osama bin Laden (n.拉登) was buried at sea from their ship.
      Crew (n.全體船員) of the nuclear(adj.核子的)-powered aircraft (n.飛機) carrier (n.運輸艦), which arrived in Hong Kong (n.香港) yesterday, claimed (v.聲稱) to be unaware (adj.不知情的) of any special operation against the al-Qaeda (n.“基地”組織) leader until it was all over.
      However they declined (v.不肯) to discuss the issue (n.問題) in detail (n.詳情).
      Commander (n.指揮官) of carrier strike (n.戰鬥) group 1 Rear Admiral (n.海軍少將) Samuel Perez (n.佩雷斯) would discuss neither bin Laden nor morale (n.士氣) among sailors since his death.
      The carrier, which arrived from the Philippines (n.菲律賓), is accompanied (v.陪同) by three other warships (n.戰艦).
      More than 7,000 sailors are expected (v.預計) to enjoy shore leave (n.假期). Despite (prep.儘管) fears of terrorist (adj.恐怖主義的) attacks, Perez is "confident of the ability of the Hong Kong police."
      Divers (n.潛水員) from the marine (adj.海洋的) police checked the waters off Fenwick Pier (n.分域碼頭) in Wan Chai (n.灣仔), where sailors will disembark (v.下車/船/機) from water taxis (n.接駁船).
      Extra police are out in the bar (n.酒吧) areas of Wan Chai and Lan Kwai Fong (n.蘭桂坊).
      (The Standard, May 23)


      1. unladen (adj) / ?瑔n'le?笈d?瑆n/,un-LAY-dun 未負載的、沒負擔的
      解讀:本身罕用的動詞lade相當於load,解作載重、負擔,而過去分詞laden可充當形容詞,解作負載的、負擔的,反義詞便是unladen;unladen本用作形容交通工具,但在本文標題則用作形容船員;更有趣的,是unladen含有Laden(拉登)的名字,而Unladen sailors便幽默地表示船員不談拉登。
      2. carrier (n) /'k?紓ri?瑆/,KAE-ria 運輸艦、運輸車
      解讀:carrier泛指可以carry(負載、運輸)東西的交通工具;文中的aircraft carrier,字面意思是負載飛機的運輸艦,其實即是航空母艦;若不怕引起誤會,單單carrier已可指航空母艦;留意aircraft的複數同樣是aircraft,不可加s。
      3. marine (adj) /m?瑆'ri:n/,ma-REEN 海洋的、船艦的
      解讀:文中的marine police是水警,而美國的the Marine Corps則是海軍陸戰隊,當中的corps解作特種部隊,單數讀如KOR,複數拼寫一樣,讀如KOR-z;marine也可用作形容生物,例如marine life是海洋生物。