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Apple surpasses Google as world's most valuable brand 蘋果超越谷歌 成最昂貴品牌
( 2011-05-27 )

      Apple (n.蘋果) surpassed (v.超越) Google (n.谷歌) to become the world's most valuable brand (n.品牌) last year, largely on the success of the iPad, according to the annual (adj.一年一度的) Millward Brown BrandZ (n.品牌) rankings (n.排行(榜)).
      Apple's projected (adj.估計的) brand value rose (v.上升) 84% over the last year to $153.3 billion (n.十億). Google's brand value decreased 2% to $111.5 billion, bringing an end to its four-year run (n.一連串) at No. 1, Millward Brown said in the rankings report.
      Four of the five top-ranked (adj.排名最高的) companies were in technology, with IBM (n.國際商業機器) coming in third, fast-food giant (n.大企業) McDonald's (n.麥當勞) fourth and Microsoft (n.微軟) fifth.
      Apple rose to the top, from third place last year, because the Cupertino (n.庫比蒂諾), Calif. (n.(美國)加州), firm "loudly (adv.喧鬧地) discovered an empty space in the computing (n.電腦業) category that it filled with a new device (n.設備) - the iPad," the report said.
      "In the last quarter (n.一季) of 2010, Apple sold more iPads than Mac (n.麥金塔) computers. The iPad, which quickly met competition from other tablet (n.平板電腦) makers like Samsung (n.三星), helped Apple pass Dell (n.戴爾) and HP (n.惠普) in total portable (adj.手提的) computer sales."
      (Los Angeles Times, May 9)

      根據Millward Brown一年一度的品牌排行榜,蘋果超越了谷歌,成為去年全球最有價值品牌,主要原因是iPad賣個滿堂紅。
      Millward Brown在排行榜報告中指出,蘋果去年的品牌估值上升了百分之八十四,達到一千五百三十三億美元;谷歌的品牌價值則下跌了百分之二,只有一千一百一十五億美元,結束了連續四年稱冠的局面。

      1. surpass (v) /s?瑆'p?瑂:s/,sa-PASS 超越、勝過
      2. brand (n) /br?紓nd/,BRAN-d 品牌、牌子
      解讀:brand本指農場用作辨認而給牲畜所打的烙印,因而引申指品牌、牌子,而brand name則是品牌名稱,也叫trade name;跟其他d字末的英文字一樣,加上s後的brands的尾音是z,文中一個專有名詞拼作BrandZ便是這個原因。
      3. tablet (n) /'t?紓bl?笈t/,TAB-lit 牌匾、平板電腦
解讀:tablet本是一塊平而薄的木塊、石板或金屬板,例如the words were engraved on a tablet of wood(這些字刻了在一塊木匾上);tablet因而可指iPad等像一塊平板般的電腦,全名是tablet (personal) computer或tablet PC。