When you moved from your old country to Canada, you brought along a large sum of money in the form of a bank draft. You have just found a bank you like, so you go there to open an account to deposit your money. At the bank, you find the counter where there is a sign saying New Accounts. You go up to the counter and talk to the teller.
A: I'd like to open an account.
B: Do you want a savings account or a chequing account?
A: I'd like both.
B: We can open a savings account that lets you write cheques. Do you have two pieces of I.D.?
A: I have my passport and a credit card from my bank in Singapore with me.
B: That's fine. Please fill out this form, giving us your name, address, telephone number, S.I.N. number and signature.
A: I don't have a Social Insurance Number yet, but I have just applied for one.
B: You can give it to us later when you get it. How much do you want to deposit in your account today?
A: I have a bank draft in the amount of five hundred thousand dollars. It is made out in my name.
B: That's fine. I'll credit your account and get your pass book and account number ready for you. Here is a booklet that explains all our other banking services.
你有一張大額銀碼的銀行匯票,便到一間合適的銀行準備開戶口存入此筆款項。在銀行內,你見到一個櫃台有個“新戶口”(New Accounts)的指示牌,便過去辦理手續。
Language Notes語文註解:
1. Saving account——儲蓄戶口。
2. Chequing account—— 支票戶口。
3. I.D.=Identity——身份證明。
4. Credit card——信用卡。
5. Fill out this form——填妥這份表格。
6. S.I.N.=Social Insurance Number —— 勞工保險卡號碼,或簡稱工卡號碼。政府很多文件或表格都需要你填寫此號碼,在加拿大找工作時亦需要此號碼。
7. Deposit——存款。
8. Bank draft——匯票。
9. Credit your account ——將款額加在你戶口的結存。
10. Pass book——銀行存折。