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若望保祿二世 梵蒂岡列真福
( 2011-05-20 )

      The late (adj.已故的) Pope (n.教宗), John Paul II (n.若望保祿二世), has been beatified (v.冊封真福品) at a ceremony at the Vatican (n.梵蒂岡) in front of hundreds of thousands of Catholic (adj.天主教的) faithful (n.信眾).
      Among those at St Peter's Square (n.聖伯多祿廣場) is French (adj.法國的) nun (n.修女) Marie Simon-Pierre (n.瑪麗?狺西蒙—皮耶), who said she and her fellow (adj.同伴的) nuns had prayed for the intercession (n.代禱) of the Pope after his death to cure her from Parkinson's Disease (n.柏金遜症). Her apparently (adv.看來) miraculous (adj.奇的) cure is part of the case (n.論據) for the beatification (n.冊封真福品), the last stage before sainthood (n.聖人地位).
      It comes amid (prep.在……中) criticism of the Church for the speed of the beatification - just six years after the late Pope's death - and his handling (n.處理) of the Church's child sex abuse (n.侵犯) scandal (n.醜聞).
      St Peter's Square was packed (adj.擠滿了人的), with the faithful waving banners (n.橫額) and flags as Pope Benedict XVI (n.本篤十六世) declared (v.宣布) his predecessor (n.前任) beatified.
      Zimbabwean (adj.津巴布韋的) leader Robert Mugabe (n.穆加比) was among those attending the ceremony. A Roman (adj.羅馬的) Catholic (n.天主教徒), he was given special permission by the EU (n.歐盟) to fly to Italy (n.意大利) despite being the subject (n.對象) of a travel ban (n.禁令).(BBC, May 1)
