Al-Qaeda (n.“基地”) leader Osama bin Laden (n.拉登) was shot dead deep inside Pakistan (n.巴基斯坦) in a night-time helicopter raid (n.突襲) by US (n.美國) commandos (n.突擊隊), ending a decade(n.十年)-long manhunt (n.追捕) for the mastermind (n.主謀) of the 9/11 (n.九一一) attacks.
"Justice (n.正義) has been done," President (n.總統) Barack Obama (n.奧巴馬) declared (v.宣稱) in a dramatic (adj.突然的) televised (adj.電視播送的) address (n.演說) yesterday, sparking (v.引發) raucous (adj.喧鬧的) celebrations across the United States (n.美國), after an operation (n.行動) in the Pakistani (adj.巴基斯坦的) garrison (n.駐防) town of Abbottabad (n.阿伯塔巴德), that officials (n.官員) said lasted less than 40 minutes.
Thousands of people poured (v.擁擠) into the streets outside the White House (n.白宮) and in New York City (n.紐約市), waving (v.揮動) US flags, cheering and honking (v.鳴響) horns (n.(車輛的)喇叭) to celebrate bin Laden's death. World leaders welcomed the news, but Pakistan's main Taleban (n.塔利班) faction (n.派系) threatened (v.揚言要) to attack Pakistan and the United States, calling them "the enemies of Islam (n.伊斯蘭教)."
Bin Laden's body (n.屍體) was quickly buried at sea. "We wanted to avoid a situation where it would become a shrine (n.朝聖地)," a US official said. DNA (n.脫氧核糖核酸) tests confirmed (v.證實) that it was bin Laden.
(AFP & Reuters, May 2)