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Fukushima: As bad as Chernobyl?福島災難:與切爾諾貝爾不相上下?
( 2011-04-29 )


      Chernobyl (n.切爾諾貝爾) is regularly labelled (v.稱為) "the world's worst nuclear (adj.核子的) accident" - and with good reason.
      A working (adj.正在運作的) reactor (n.反應堆) caught fire, explosively (adv.爆炸地). Radioactive (adj.放射性的) debris (n.廢物) was sent 30,000 feet into the air - the height at which airliners (n.大型客機) conventionally (adv.慣常地) fly.
      Some of that debris came down thousands of kilometres away, in concentrations (n.濃度) strong enough to prohibit (v.使不能夠) the eating of meat and the drinking of milk produced locally (adv.在當地).
      The upgrading (n.升級) of Japan(n.日本)'s Fukushima (n.福島) incident (n.事故) to a level seven - the maximum - on the International (adj.國際的) Nuclear and Radiological (adj.放射學的) Event Scale (INES) (n.“國際核能事件分級表”) puts it on a par (n.水平) with Chernobyl.
      However, Paddy Regan (n.雷根), professor (n.教授) of physics at the UK(n.英國)'s University of Surrey (n.舒梨) said: "The amount of radiation (n.輻射) release (n.泄漏、排放) is a lot less, and the way it's released (v.泄漏、排放) is very different.
      "The Chernobyl fire was putting lots of radioactive material into the atmosphere (n.大氣(層)) and taking it over large distances; here, there have been a couple (n.三數次) of releases where       they've vented (v.排放) [gas from] the reactor, and then released some cooling water."
(BBC, April 12)


      1. working (adj) /'w?捵:k?笈?痯/,
      WORK-king 有工作的、正在運作的
      解讀:動詞work解作工作、運作,而現在分詞working則指有工作的、正在運作的,例如文中的working reactor是正在運作的反應堆,又例如working mother是在職母親;working也可指工作上的,例如working hours是工作時間,working conditions是工作環境。
      2. debris (n) /'de?笈bri:/,DAY-bree 廢物、殘骸
      解讀:debris借用自法文d?晹bris,因而字母e上方可加上一撇,但不加也很常見;此字常指交通意外後的殘骸,例如debris of the plane crash是飛機失事的殘骸;debris的s不發音,而此字也可讀作DEB-bree,以至da-BREE;留意debris不可數。
      3. vent (v) /vent/,VEN-t 排放、發泄
      解讀:vent的受詞可如文中用gas,而此字更常指發泄、表達情緒,例如vent one's feelings是表達自己的情緒,而vent one's anger / fury / rage / wrath則是發泄自己的憤怒/暴怒等,vent one's frustration則是表達自己的不滿。
