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實驗室培植 活生生人心
( 2011-04-22 )

      Scientists are growing (v.培植) human hearts in laboratories (n.實驗室), offering (v.帶來) hope for millions of cardiac (adj.心臟病的) patients. American (adj.美國的) researchers (n.研究人員) believe the artificial (adj.人造的) organs (n.器官) could start beating within weeks.
      The experiment is a major step towards the first 'grow-your-own' heart, and could pave (v.鋪設) the way for livers (n.肝臟), lungs (n.肺臟) or kidneys (n.腎臟) to be made to order (adj.(度身)訂造的).
      The organs were created by removing (v.去除) muscle cells from donor (n.捐贈者) organs to leave behind (v.留下) tough hearts of connective (adj.結締的) tissue (n.組織). Researchers then injected (v.注射) stem (n.幹) cells which multiplied (v.分裂) and grew around the structure (n.架構), eventually (adv.最終) turning into (v.變成) healthy heart cells.
      Dr Doris Taylor (n.泰勒), an expert in regenerative (adj.再生的) medicine at the University of Minnesota (n.明尼蘇達) in Minneapolis (n.(美國)明尼亞波里斯), said: "There are many hurdles (n.難關) to overcome (v.克服) to generate (v.製成) a fully functioning (adj.正常運作的) heart, but my prediction (n.預計) is that it may one day be possible to grow entire organs for transplant (n.移植)."
      If new hearts could be made using a patient's own stem cells, it is less likely they would be rejected (v.排斥).
      (Daily Mail, April 4)
