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日本發生地震 救援行動展開
( 2011-03-25 )

      A mammoth (adj.龐大的) relief (n.救援) mission (n.(軍事)行動) is swinging into action (v.立即行動) in north-east Japan (n.日本), a day after it was struck (v.侵襲) by a devastating (adj.破壞力極大的) tsunami (n.海嘯), claiming (v.奪去) hundreds of lives.
      The disaster (n.災難) was triggered (v.引發) by an 8.9-magnitude (n.級數) earthquake (n.地震), the country's most powerful since records (n.紀錄) began.
      Japan's military (n.軍方) has mobilised (v.動員) thousands of troops (n.士兵), hundreds of planes and dozens (n.數十) of ships.
      The government has warned there could be a radioactive (adj.輻射的) leak (n.泄漏) at a nuclear (adj.核子的) power reactor (n.反應堆) shut down by the quake.
      The tremor (n.地震) struck in the afternoon local (adj.當地的) time on Friday at a depth of about 24km, 400km north-east of Tokyo (n.東京).
      The quake triggered a tsunami up to 10m, with waves of 7m battering (v.沖擊) the Japanese (adj.日本的) coast.
      A muddy (adj.混濁的) torrent (n.洪流) of water swept (v.沖走) cars and homes far inland (adv.在內陸), turning residential (adj.住宅的) areas and paddy (n.稻田) fields into a lagoon (n.潟湖、被海水淹沒之處) of debris(n.垃圾)-filled sea water.
      A tsunami warning extended (v.擴大) across the Pacific (n.太平洋地區) to North and South America (n.美洲), where many other coastal (adj.沿岸的) regions were evacuated (v.疏散).
      (BBC, March 12)


      1.mammoth (adj) /'m?紓m?瑆?畷/,MAM-muth 巨大的、龐大的
      解讀:mammoth本指已絕種(extinct)的毛象、猛(象),顧名思義,外表如大象,不過全身長滿毛;mammoth的體型巨大,此字因而也充當形容詞,解作巨大的、龐大的,例如a mammoth task是艱巨的工作。
      2.mobilise (v) /'m?瑆?痸b?笈la?笈z/,MOH-bil-laiz 調動、動員
      解讀:形容詞mobile解作移動的、流動的,例如mobile phone是流動電話,mobile library是流動圖書館;動詞便是mobilise,例如mobilise the army / fleet是動員陸軍/海軍,mobilise public opinion是發動輿論。
      3. torrent (n) /'t?忀r?瑆nt/,TOR-runt 洪流、激流
      解讀:要強調torrent急湍,可說rushing / raging / roaring torrent(急速/洶湧/澎湃的洪流);torrent也引申指任何連珠炮發的事物,例如a torrent of criticism是連珠炮發的批評;網上分享形式BT的全名是BitTorrent,意思是“位元流”,即電腦位元/比特(bit)的洪流。