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你送出去的求職書是否resume from Hell?
( 2011-03-18 )


      Tired or empty buzzwords
      Peppering resumes with tired or empty buzzwords probably isn't the recipe for becoming a standout job candidate.
      Buzzwords是"a word or phrase, often sounding authoritative or technical, that is a vogue term in a particular profession, field of study, popular culture, etc.",行業的術語。聽起來好像很夠權威、似模似樣的字或詞。Tired是形容用字,解那些被用得太多而變得無力的字。Peppering就是四處加插。
      在專家眼中,"tired or empty buzzwords"有哪些呢?常見的例子是"great communication skills"(優良的溝通能力)。撰寫簡歷表的導師Jessica Holbrook Hernandez解釋當中的問題:
      This tends to be a throwaway term because few people even recognize (much less acknowledge) their poor communication skills. I always cringe a little when I see this included in a resume that also contains improper sentence structure or awkward verbiage. 
      專家的意見是,除非你申請的職位對溝通能力要求很高,否則根本無需提及。再者,若你的溝通能力過人,"those abilities should shine through in the quality of your resume - without your having to spell them out",在求職信、簡歷表已表露無遺,不用多說。
      而另一個問題用語是"attention to detail"(細心)。說自己有這個優點沒問題,但若你的申請信錯漏百出,那便有反效果。

      "Experienced or seasoned"(有豐富經驗)原來也要用得小心。因為僱主可能覺得這是a euphemism for "old"(“老”的委婉語)。"Your title and accomplishments should speak to your professional achievements; there's no need to age yourself with adjectives like these."看你以前的職銜,對方已大概得知你在行內有多資深。
      教人寫resume的書很多,Jon Reed和Rachel Meyers的Resumes from Hell: How (Not) to Write a Resume and Succeed in Your Job Search by Learning from Career-Killing Blunders則有點特別,是透過反面教材,即書名中的"resumes from Hell"(來自地獄的簡歷表),教讀者應避免的錯誤。
      有些例子離譜得令人捧腹,例如在"Reference"一欄填上"My mother"。