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戰勝無處不在的debilitating fear
( 2011-03-11 )

      這個問題的爭議,不會一時三刻有結論。但無論如何,資訊發達的確增加了我們的恐懼。有人甚至認為,現今世界的局勢發展,令每個人都活在惶恐之中。Conquering Fear: Living Boldly in an Uncertain World的作者Harold S. Kushner說:
      For some time, I've been meeting people who are less happy than they have a right to be because they are afraid - afraid of losing their job, afraid that something will happen to someone in their family, afraid of another terrorist attack. You can't enjoy life when you feel that way.
      Kushner提及的恐懼真是很普遍。"Afraid of losing their job",誰不會為丟掉工作而憂慮?有家庭負擔,孩子還小,供書教學長路漫慢,加上每月又要供樓,尤其在經濟不景時,怎不會惶惶不可終日?
      此外,還有這種恐懼︰"Afraid that something will happen to someone in their family"(害怕家人會遇上不好的事),雖然這種恐懼很多時只是心理上的問題,沒有實際的原因(除非你正被黑社會追債 ),但也很常見。
      至於"another terrorist attack"(另一次恐怖襲擊),看來與日常生活關係不大,但自上世紀七十年代開始發生的劫機,到旅遊區的炸彈襲擊,到美國的911事件,到郵件中的毒粉等等,恐襲的恐懼跟我們已經太久了,大家可能已把它壓抑在心底深處,受它的影響而不自覺。

      More than anything else, we've always worried about something terrible happening to us or to our world. What has changed is, with improved communication(通信) and 24-hour news channels(廿四小時新聞頻道), we hear about more of such things happening somewhere, not necessarily anywhere close to us, and we worry. As one doctor put it, "anthrax is not contagious, but fear of anthrax is."
      But there is a crucial difference between concern which is good and fear which can be debilitating(使軟弱). We don't want to let our lives be defined by the things we're afraid of.