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( 2011-02-25 )

      The Social Network (n.《社交網站》) and Glee (n.歡樂、《歡樂合唱團》) were the main winners at the Golden Globes (n.金球獎(頒獎典禮)), held at the Beverly (n.比華利山) Hilton (n.希爾頓酒店) in Los Angeles (n.洛杉磯).
      The former (adj.前面的), about the creation of the Facebook website (n.網站), was named best film drama (n.劇情), winning additional prizes for its direction (n.導演的指導), screenplay (n.電影劇本) and music.
      Glee, about a high school (n.高中) musical group, won best TV musical (n.音樂劇) or comedy (n.喜劇) as well as two supporting actor (n.配角) prizes.
      As expected, Colin Firth (n.哥連費夫) was named best actor in a drama for his role (n.角色) in The King's Speech (n.《國皇的演講》).
      Few were surprised when Natalie Portman (n.妮坦莉寶雯) was named best dramatic actress for her role as a ballet (n.芭蕾舞) dancer in Black Swan (n.《黑天鵝》).
      The Kids are All Right (n.《孩子們都好》) was named best musical or comedy, winning the best actress in a comedy prize for star Annette Bening (n.安納貝寧).
      Batman (n.蝙蝠俠) star Christian Bale (n.基斯頓比爾) picked up the first prize of the evening, winning best supporting actor for his role in The Fighter. Melissa Leo (n.瑪莉莎莉奧) later received the female equivalent (n.相等的東西) for playing his mother in the fact-based (adj.真人真事改編的) boxing movie.
      (BBC, January 17)

      “蝙蝠俠”影星基斯頓比爾摘下當晚首個獎座,憑《The Fighter》中的角色贏得最佳男配角獎。這齣拳擊電影改編自真人真事,片中飾演他母親的瑪莉莎莉奧則奪取了最佳女配角獎。

      1. glee (n) /gli:/,g-LEE 歡樂、高興
      解讀:glee是不可數名詞,前面多用介系詞in,例如cackle in glee是高興得嘎嘎地笑,rub your hands in glee是歡喜得搓雙手,也可用with,例如receive the gift with glee是開心地收禮物;glee尚可解作幸災樂禍。
      2. direction (n) /d?笈'rek?瓿?瑆n/,da-RECK-shun 指示、導演的指導
      解讀:動詞direct泛指指導,用於電影便指導演的指導,direct a comedy是指導一齣喜劇的拍攝過程;名詞是direction,意思相似;另一名詞director則指導演,例如best director award是最佳導演獎項。
      3. screenplay (n) /'skri:nple?笈/,SCREEN-play 電影劇本、影片的腳本