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( 2011-01-28 )

      Mendy Niu
      Richmond Green Secondary School
      It's easy to stand behind a cause and preach onto others the values and ideology that modern society has taught us. However, it's different when you go outside of your comfort zone and dig deeper into the reasons behind why so many atrocities occur in the world. As a final assessment project for our Grade 12 Economics course, I questioned the global economic system about why there are so many child workers in some areas, and got some interesting answers.
      The Chinese yuan (CNY) has always been worth very little in the world market, and the Chinese have worked that to their advantage. Being a Chinese-born Canadian myself, I admit to flying home to China with hopes of stockpiling on lowly-priced clothes, accessories, gadgets and other wants. As I write this, one yuan is worth about $0.15 American. What does this difference mean? It means that labour is cheaper, even excluding the use of child labour. This is why many transnational corporations, for instance, various athletic shoe companies have moved their main productions overseas. This pattern is referred to “outsourcing”, moving a non-core part of a company outside of the country their headquarters is at. Surprise, surprise, North America as a result, are losing many factory jobs to foreign competitors. These competitors are winning out right now, due to aspects like cheap labour, such as child labour, in addition to the lack of workers' unions, and lower minimum wages in China and other Asian countries.
      I can't honestly propose boycotting or any form of small consumer movement as viable solutions to child labour and exploitive business practices in Asia. Any actions taken by a small group of individuals just aren't going to cut it when we're talking about multiple organizations with combined net worths of billions, possibly trillions, of dollars. Money talks in our current society, so North American businesses need to talk back. I don't doubt most of them feel safe outsourcing to Asia right now, and are making a pretty penny off hiring underage Asian workers. But a business move like that is not without consequences. We are now directly contributing to the cheap Chinese yuan, as mentioned above. What is good for transnational organizations now, will not last them very long into the future, guaranteed.The utilitarian strategy used by Western business will have a negative effect on the global market, and lead to severe consequences.
      Their usage of foreign workers and neglecting American ones will come back to haunt them. The number one rule in economics is don't piss off the superpowers of the world. And right now,it's the United States of America. President Obama has stated his position on the outsourcing that's going on with the American corporations; he doesn't like it one bit. He's travelled to India to beg for jobs back, and he's declared it's America's goal to make the Chinese yuan rise in value. But above all, he's sending a threatening message to American transnational organizations: don't slap the hand that feeds you. Obama's method is something that will scare the unethical businesses; losing the huge American market is a possibility if they continue to screw over the unemployed of the USA. This imminent threat will eventually force the transnational companies to come back to North America, where it's difficult to exploit and take advantage of workers, especially child workers. The question is: how long until American and Canadian corporations crumble under the pressure?


      (作者為Richmond Green Secondary School第12班的學生)