• 字體:

( 2011-01-02 )

     Before you land in Canada, check with the Canadian Commission or Embassy for information regarding customs and duties.
    If you are sending your personal belongings over through an international moving company or shipping agency, they should be able to provide you with the information and assistance needed in completing a declaration list.
     Even if you are not bringing much into the country, it is still advisable to prepare a list showing all the things you are bringing into Canada. If possible, give the value of each item in Canadian currency. This will help you go through customs much faster and with less hassle.
One more quick reminder - Canada is very strict about allowing agricultural products into the country, for fear of bringing in animal and plant diseases. Do not take the risk of "smuggling" your favourite plants from your home country.
    Remember: there is a very smart puppy on duty at the airport in Vancouver - it has caught many "smugglers" by surprise!


1. customs = 海關
2. Canadian Commission = 加拿大領事館
3. embassy = the office where an ambassador works 大使館
4. duty = (此處解)關稅
5. personal belongings = 個人物件
6. shipping agency = 船運代理公司
7. assistance = help 協助
8. declaration list = a list of the things you bring into Canada and their value 報關清單,列有你帶入加拿大的物件及其價值
9. it is advisable to prepare a list = it is a good idea to prepare a list
10. in Canadian currency = 以加幣計算
11. hassle = trouble; inconvenience 麻煩
12. reminder = something that helps you remember 提示
13. strict = serious (e.g. about some rules and regulations) 嚴格(例如執行規則)
14. agricultural products = 農產品
15. for fear of = 為避免
16. take the risk of = 冒險
17. smuggle = 走私,偷運
18. on duty = working 執行工作
19. caught somebody by surprise
= discover somebody doing something when he/she is not expecting it 出其不意地抓獲

  專為《加拿大都市報》讀者而設的優惠!凡於《星島日報》緬街辦事處購買《新移民英語》自學課程一套, 可獲贈簡體字版英英.英漢雙解《朗文當代高級英語辭典》一本 。數量有限,送完即止。