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( 2010-12-30 )

      Among the volumes (n.大量) of diplomatic (adj.外交的) communications (n.通信) released (v.發放) by WikiLeaks (n.“維基解密”) are frank (adj.直率的) observations (n.評論) about the character (n.性格) of world leaders and their weaknesses.
      Of French (adj.法國的) President (n.總統) Nicolas Sarkozy (n.薩爾科齊), one cable (n.電報) gave this open assessment (n.評價): "An activist (n.活躍分子) on the international scene, with an opportunistic (adj.投機的) eye for grabbing (v.攫取) attention and credit (n.稱讚), Sarkozy will remain a challenging (adj.難以應付的) partner (n.盟友) despite his desire to improve the bilateral (adj.雙邊的) relationship."
      Some news outlets (n.專門機構) have reported that U.S. (n.美國) diplomats (n.外交官) called Sarkozy an "emperor with no clothes."
      On Italy(n.意大利)'s Prime Minister (n.總理) Silvio Berlusconi (n.貝盧斯科尼) and his relationship with Russia (n.俄羅斯): The Italian (adj.意大利的) leader "appears increasingly (adv.越來越) to be the mouthpiece (n.喉舌) of [Prime Minister Vladimir] Putin (n.普京)," according to a report from the New York Times (n.《紐約時報》).
      Regarding German (adj.德國的) Chancellor (n.總理) Angela Merkel (n.默克爾): "When cornered (adj.陷於困境的), Merkel can be tenacious (adj.頑強的) but is risk-averse (adj.不喜歡……的) and rarely creative."
      These cables may provide the U.S. with some uncomfortable moments with global (adj.全球的) partners.
      (CNN, November 29)


      1. volume (n) /'v?忀lju:m/,VOL-lyoom 量、大量
      解讀:volume可指容量、體積,也可指某種東西的量、額,例如︰The secretary's work has grown in volume over the past two months(秘書的工作量在過去兩個月增加了);volume也常專指大量,例如文中的複數形式volumes,又例如常用語sheer volume。
      2. observation (n) / ?忀bz?瑆've?笈?瓿?瑆n/,ob-za-VAY-shun 觀察、評論
      解讀:observation固然可指客觀的觀察、見聞,但原來它也常指基於這些觀察以至讀來的資料而作出的主觀評論、論述,文中便是這個意思;敏銳、準確的評論可叫keen / astute / shrewd observation(s)。
      3. tenacious (adj) /t?瑆'ne?笈?瓿?瑆s/,ta-NAY-shuss 頑強的、堅毅的
      解讀:tenacious多用於正統行文,相當於日常生活中所說的persistent;此外,tenacious也可解作緊握的,例如a tenacious fist是緊握的拳頭,a tenacious grip是緊緊地握住;名詞是tenacity,讀如ta-NASS-sa-tee,指頑強鬥志。