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改變安全套立場 教宗予“一絲希望”
( 2010-12-23 )

      Campaigners (n.爭取的人) against the spread of AIDS (n.愛滋病) welcomed (v.歡迎) a U-turn (n.徹底轉變) by Pope (n.教宗) Benedict (n.本篤) on the use of condoms (n.安全套), saying it marks a historic (adj.具歷史意義的) break with the past that will save lives.
      In a series (n.連串) of interviews (n.訪問) to appear in a book published this week, the pope, 83, said that while the use of condoms should not be seen as a "moral (adj.合乎道德的) solution (n.解決方法)," he stepped back from (v.跳出框框) the Vatican(n.梵蒂岡)'s blanket (adj.全面的) ban (n.禁止) on all forms of contraception (n.避孕).
      "In certain cases (n.情況), where the intention (n.目的) is to reduce the risk of infection (n.感染), it can be a first step on the way to another, more humane (adj.合乎人道的) sexuality."
       "This move (n.舉止) recognizes (v.承認) that responsible sexual behavior and the use of condoms have important roles (n.角色) in HIV (n.(人類)愛滋病毒) prevention," Unaids (n.聯合國愛滋病規劃署) executive director (n.執行主任) Michel Sidibe (n.西迪貝) said.
      Veteran (adj.資深的) British (adj.英國的) gay (adj.同性戀的) rights campaigner Peter Tatchell (n.塔切爾) said: "The pope's comments offer a scintilla (n.絲毫) of hope that the church's dogma (n.教條) are open to change."
      (Agence France-Presse, November 22)


      1. scintilla (n) /s?笈n't?笈l?瑆/,sin-TILL-la 一絲、一點兒
      解讀:scintilla本是拉丁文,解作星火、火花,但收納為英文字後卻沒有這個意思,只含有喻意,即指一絲、一點兒;標題及文中的scintilla of hope指一絲希望,但scintilla更常用於否定語句,例如not a scintilla of hope / truth是沒有絲毫希望/真相。
      2. condom (n) /'k?忀nd?瑆m/,KON-dum 安全套、避孕套
      3. retreat (n) /r?笈'tri:t/,ri-TREAT 退卻、改變決定
      解讀:retreat可作動詞或名詞,可指位置上或決定上的退縮、改變;標題中是名詞,指決定上的退縮;又例如︰The army was forced to retreat from the village(軍隊被迫從村落撤退)中的retreat是動詞,指位置上的退縮。