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台灣選民 延續“現狀”
( 2010-12-17 )

      The special municipality (n.自治市、都) mayoral (adj.市長的) election (n.選舉) only confirmed (v.確認) the status quo (n.原來的狀況), with no major shift (n.變換) made in the five metropolitan (adj.大都會的) cities in terms of the overall (adj.整體的) political landscape (n.風景、環境).
      The Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) (n.國民黨) Taipei (n.台北) Mayor (n.市長) Hau Lung-bin (n.郝龍斌) won re-election (n.連任) with 55.6 percent of all votes (n.選票) against his Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) (n.民進黨) rival (n.對手) Su Tseng-chang(n.蘇貞昌), while KMT Sinbei (n.新北) mayor-elect (adj.候任的) Eric Chu (n.朱立倫) garnered (v.得到) 52.6 percent of the vote, beating DPP nominee (n.候選人) Tsai Ing-wen (n.蔡英文) by more than 110,000 votes.
      Taichung (n.台中) Mayor Jason Hu (n.胡志強) of the KMT claimed (v.贏得) re-election, receiving 51.12 percent of the vote, beating DPP candidate (n.候選人) Su Jia-chyuan (n.蘇嘉全) by only a little more than 30,000 votes.
      In Greater (adj.更大的) Tainan (n.台南), the DPP's William Lai (n.賴清德), as widely expected, won a landslide (adj.壓倒性的) victory over his KMT opponent (n.對手), Kuo Tien-tsai (n.郭添財), by more than 200,000 votes.
      In Greater Kaohsiung (n.高雄), Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chu (n.陳菊) of the DPP also scored an insurmountable (adj.無法超越的) lead (n.領先) over the KMT's Huang Chao-shun(n.黃昭順) and       Kaohsiung County (n.縣) Commissioner (n.縣長) Yang Chiu-hsing's (n.楊秋興), who ran as an independent.
      (Taipei Times, November 28)


      1.status quo (n) / ste?笈t?瑆s 'kw?瑆?痸/,status-KWOH 原來的狀況、現狀
      解讀:status quo本是拉丁文,原義是state in which,即處於的狀況,實際意思是原來的狀況,前面必須有定冠詞the,標題只是略去而已;維持現狀,常說作maintain / keep the status quo,也可叫defend / preserve the status quo。
      2.landscape (n) /'l?紓ndske?笈p/,LAND-scape 風景、環境
      解讀:landscape本指風景、景色,例如rural / urban landscape是郊外/城市的景色;此字因而引申指各式各樣的環境,以至所謂舞台,例如文中的political landscape是政治環境/舞台。
      3.mayor (n) /me?瑆/,m-AIR 市長、鎮長
      解讀:mayor通常都指一市一鎮(city / town)的行政首長,形容詞是文中的mayoral(解作市長的、鎮長的,讀如m-AIR-roll);留意雖然may讀如MEI,但mayor並非讀如MEI-a。