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毒奶粉爸爸判囚三十月 眾人怒氣沸騰
( 2010-12-10 )


      Mainland (n.內地) activist (n.維權人士) Zhao Lianhai (n.趙連海), whose son was one of 300,000 victims (n.受害者) of melamine(n.三聚氰胺)-tainted (adj.受污染的) milk, has been jailed (v.判囚) for 30 months for "inciting (v.煽動) social disorder (n.動亂)."
      Zhao's conviction (n.定罪) and sentencing (n.判刑) yesterday sparked (v.激起) outrage (n.公憤), with a law commentator (n.評論員) saying he is being sent to jail for political reasons, rather than for an actual crime, and is unlikely (adj.不大可能的) to receive justice (n.公平) even if he appeals (v.上訴).
      The 38-year-old was sentenced in Beijing(n.北京(市))'s Daxing (n.大興) district court. His wife Li Xuemei (n.李雪梅), his mother and his elder sister, have not been allowed to visit him in jail since his formal (adj.正式的) arrest (n.拘捕) in December.
      "Zhao Lianhai is not guilty (adj.無罪的)," Li shouted, as she left the court with family members.
      Their five-year-old son, Zhao Pengrui (n.趙鵬潤), who still carries a two millimeter (n.毫米) stone in his left kidney (n.腎臟), held up a placard (n.標語牌) reading "Daddy, come home."
      In Hong Kong (n.香港), mainland law commentator Ong Yew-kim (n.王友金) said Zhao was merely (adv.只是) exercising (v.行使) his rights under the law - to gather other victims to seek compensation (n.賠償) from a commercial firm.
      (The Standard, November 11)
