Shopping與knocking over a dinosaur的關係
( 2010-11-05 )
"Whenever I find a good deal, it's sort of like an adrenaline rush," she says. "For me, it's one of the highest forms of pleasure...."
Adrenaline是腎上腺素,adrenaline rush就是身體分泌腎上腺素引起的高度亢奮的感覺。找到“超抵”的貨品,是最高程度的歡愉。
At its most extreme, the thrill of seeking a good bargain drives people to line up for hours outside shopping malls on Boxing Day or crush each other in stampedes as they race to get products for the lowest price.
英國Institute of Promotional Marketing(市場推廣協會)和University of Westminster(西敏寺大學)做了個研究,發現"people can get as excited spotting a bargain as they do looking at pornography"(人們看到便宜貨的興奮程度與看色情物品相若)。
In this study, participants' responses to the marketing promotions scored as high as 5.8.
科學家認為這種對shopping的心理反應很可能"rooted in our primal instincts to hunt for survival"(源自我們一些賴以生存的原始本能)。
Nowadays, the only place you can find something which is equivalent to going out and knocking over a dinosaur(打倒了一頭恐龍) is in the supermarket. It gets you on a more visceral(發自內心深處的) level than we had probably anticipated.
Martin Lindstrom的Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy,解構我們購物的心態。