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Parting of the Red Sea could be true 紅海分開或真有其事
( 2010-10-22 )

      The parting (n.分開) of the Red Sea (n.紅海), one of the most famous Bible (n.《聖經》) stories, may have really happened, research (n.研究) has shown.
      But the Israelites(n.以色列人)' miraculous (adj.奇的) escape from the Pharaoh (n.法老(王)) was probably down to (prep.由……造成) freak (adj.反常的) weather and 'fluid (n.流體) dynamics (n.動力學)' rather than divine (adj.上帝的) intervention (n.介入), US (n.美國) scientists said.
      And the likely (adj.很可能的) location was not the Red Sea but a shallow lagoon (n.潟湖) in the nearby (adj.附近的) Nile (n.尼羅河) Delta (n.三角洲) region, added the team, who studied ancient maps to find the 'reed (n.蘆葦) sea' of some Old Testament (n.《舊約》) translations.
      Archaeological (adj.考古的) records, satellite (n.人造衛星) data and maps were used to reveal (v.揭示) water flow and depth in the lagoon 3,000 years ago.
      Computer models then showed how a 12-hour east wind of 101kph (adv.時速……公里) (63mph (adv.時速……英里)) could cut through (v.劈開) the 1.8m (6ft) lake, creating a 'bridge' 3.2km (two miles) long and 4.8km (three miles) wide for Moses (n.摩西) and his people to walk across.
      Barriers (n.屏障) of 'parted' water would have formed on both sides, which, as the wind dropped (v.減弱), could have engulfed (v.吞沒) the pursuing (adj.追趕的) Egyptians (n.埃及人).
(UK Metro, September 21)
