Suicides (n.自殺) among young men, especially (adv.特別地) those who have left school and are jobless (adj.失業的), have increased (v.增加) sharply (adv.激烈地), according to a study (n.研究).
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention (n.香港賽馬會防止自殺研究中心) released (v.發表) the report (n.報告) on the eve (n.前夕) of World Suicide Prevention Day (n.世界自殺防治日).
There were 970 suicides in 2009, and although (conj.雖然) the overall (adj.全部的) suicide rate was slightly (adv.輕微地) down at 13.8 per 100,000 people last year from 14 in 2008, the suicide rate for males (n.男性) aged from 15 to 24 increased from 8.9 per 100,000 to 11.7.
Unemployment (n.失業) plays a vital (adj.極重要的) role (n.角色) in the suicides of young males, said the center's director (n.總監) Paul Yip Siu-fai (n.葉兆輝).
Youths (n.年輕人) from broken (adj.破碎的) homes or drug (n.藥品) abusers (n.濫用者) have a higher tendency (n.傾向) to commit suicide, Yip added. "Most of them cannot be reached (v.聯絡) by the education (n.教育) system (n.系統). If they have no study and no job, they are trapped (v.陷入) in a place which the current (adj.現時的) services may not be able to reach in time." He believes that if young people find stable (adj.穩定的) work, they will become motivated (adj.有積極性的) and less likely to commit suicide.
The center called for (v.呼籲) more study and employment support (n.支持) for youths and for the government ( to target (v.以……為目標) high-risk (adj.高危的) areas (n.地區).
(The Standard, September 10)
1. current (adj) ,CUR-runt 現在的、現行的
解讀:current於文中解作現行的,此形容詞僅用於名詞之前,如current year即指今年。名詞current卻有不同的意思,可解作水流、電流等,如alternating current(交流電)、high-tension current(高壓電流)、air current(氣流)、underwater current(水下暗流)。然而,current account則是指往來帳戶。
2. call for (v) /'k?瓡:lf?瓡:/,k-ALL-for 呼籲、需要
解讀:call for是短語動詞,除可如文中解作呼籲外,也可指需要,例如︰We have to call for an immediate solution(我們急需一個即時的解決辦法);call for還可解作接,例如︰I will call for you later(我稍後會來接你)。
3. target (v) /'t?瑂:g?笈t/,TA-git 以……為目標、對……瞄準
解讀:動詞target可解作把……當作靶子或對……瞄準,在本文意指以……為目標,可後接介系詞on或at,例如︰The government should target welfare on the people in need(政府應為有需要的人提供福利)。此外,target也可用作名詞,意指攻擊對象或目標,如hit a target(射中靶子),而meet targets可解作達到目標,on target則是指有可能實現目標。