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( 2010-10-01 )

      You are on board a plane, which is about to land at the Vancouver International Airport. Flight attendants are busy handing out Customs Declaration Cards to each of the passengers. There is something you do not understand about the declaration, so you stop one of the attendants and ask her to explain it to you.

      A:  Excuse me. 
      B:  Yes, sir. What can I do for you?
      A:  I'm going on to Toronto in the afternoon, so I want to know if I must fill out this card right now.
      B:  Yes, you have to complete the card now. Show it along with your passport to the Vancouver Customs Inspector when we land.
      A:  Does it mean that I have to clear customs here?
      B:  Yes, since you are going through customs in Vancouver now, you won't have to do it again in Toronto.
      A:  I see. Thank you very much.


      甲: 對不起?釴
      乙: 先生,有什麼可以幫你嗎?
      甲: 我會在下午到多倫多去,我想知道我是不是一定要現在填好這份表格呢?
      乙: 是啊,你要現在填妥這份表格?釴當我們抵達時,你將這份表連同護照出示給海關督察看?釴
      甲: 這是不是表示我需要在這裡清關呢?
      乙: 是?釴因為你現在是在溫哥華過關,你到多倫多時便不需要再做了?釴
      甲: 我明白了?釴謝謝!

      (1) Excuse me?猁?猁(開始跟別人講話時用的客套語)對不起。
      (2) What can i do for you?猁?猁有什麼我可以幫你嗎?
      另一句意思相同的用語是May i help you?
      (3) Fill out this card(=complete this card)?猁?猁填寫這份表格。
      (4) Right now?猁?猁現在。
      (5) Customs Inspector?猁?猁海關督察。
      (6) Land?猁?猁這裡解抵達。
      (7) Go through customs?猁?猁過海關。
      (8) I see?猁?猁(慣用語)我明白了。