• 字體:

( 2010-09-25 )

      When completing official forms, make sure you understand the various terms used to describe your first and last names, so that you can put them in the proper places. Most forms require that you fill in your surname in the first space. This term refers to your last name or family name (e.g. Wong or Smith). 
      In the second space you will be asked to fill in your first name or Christian name (e.g. Pui-ying or Alice). Official forms also often ask for middle names or initials (e.g. Jane or K.S.).
      Entering your names in the wrong order may have grave consequences, such as losing your family name! There have been many stories of early immigrants who accidentally changed their own surnames, simply because they wrote their first or middle names in the space provided for surnames. If you want your family name to be carried on in the new country, you must take special care when entering your surname on official forms!

      1. complete a form = fill out a form(美式英語); fill in a form 填寫表格
      2. various = different 不同的
      3. terms = 名稱
      4. first name = 名
      5. last name = 姓
      6. proper = appropriate; correct 適當的
      7. surname = 姓
      8. family name = 姓
      9. Christian name = 領洗或受洗時得到的名字
      10. middle name = first name 和 last name 之間的名字,例如: 已故美國總統 John Fitzgerald Kennedy 的 middle name 是 Fitzgerald
      11. initials = 根據姓名中第一個英文字母所組成的簡寫,例如 John Fitzgerald Kennedy 的 initials 是 JFK;通常 middle name 只用其第一個英文字母顯示,例如: John F. Kennedy
      12. order =(此處解)次序
      13. grave = serious 嚴重的
      14. consequence = 後果
      15. accidentally = by accident 意外地
      16. take special care = be very careful 要特別小心