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infinitive and -ing (Part 2 of 3)
( 2010-05-23 )

Practical  English Usage

by Benjamin Ho

Last time we discussed two types of verbs. In one type the verb can only be followed by to-infinitive. In the order, the verb can only be followed by the -ing form.
(上一次我們討論到兩類動詞,一類的動詞後面要用不定式,而一類動詞後面只可用 -ing式。)

However, there are a few verbs which may be followed by to infinitive or the -ing form and there is very little difference in meaning. For example, it doesn't matter whether you say She likes to sing or She likes singing. They both mean the same.
(但有些動詞後面可用不定式或 -ing式,而意思上沒有多大分別,例如不論你用 She likes to sing. 還是 She likes singing. 意思都一樣。)

There are also a few verbs which can be more than one meaning, and whether to use to-infinitive or the -ing form depends on what the verb means in the sentence, e.g.
(此外,亦有一些動詞有超過一個解法,而決定用不定式或 -ing式則視乎該動詞在句子裏的解釋而定,例如:)

Please remember (=do not forget) to turn off the heater when you leave the room.

I remember (=recall) seeing him at Mary's birthday party.

I regret to inform you that your application has not been successful.

I regret telling him the secret.

He tried to open the door but didn't succeed.

If the door won't open, try turning the key in the opposite direction.

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