• 字體:

( 2010-02-19 )

      Anybody who frequently communicates electronically (adv.用電子方式) probably knows how easily an email (n.電郵) or text message (n.短訊) can be misconstrued (v.誤會), especially when it comes to (v.關於) sarcasm (n.諷刺). Well, the creators of the SarcMark (n.“諷刺號”), a new punctuation (n.標點) mark (n.符號) designed to denote (v.表示) sarcasm, hope to put an end to such email confusion forever.
      The SarcMark, which looks like a period (n.句號) with a little curl (n.曲) surrounding it, is meant to be used at the end of a sentence in the same way as one might use an exclamation (n.感歎) mark to denote excitement, or a question mark to denote a question.
      The SarcMark comes in two forms: the font (n.字體) version (n.形式) (which will only be visible (adj.看到的) to other users who have downloaded (v.下載) the SarcMark), and the image (n.圖像) version (which will be visible to all).
      The SarcMark can be downloaded for only $1.99. That might seem like a lot to pay for a period on steroids (n.類固醇), but think about it this way: You'll never again have to worry about someone taking a sarcastic (adj.諷刺的) remark you made literally (adv.真正地). Of course, part of the point of sarcasm is its subtlety (n.隱晦) ... but that's hard to do on the Internet (n.互聯網).
(PCWorld.com, January 15)
