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胸圍變防毒面具 罩住了搞笑諾獎
( 2009-10-23 )


      Designers of a bra (n.胸圍) that turns into gas masks (n.防毒面具) and a team who found that named (adj.有名字的) cows produce more milk were among the winners of the 2009 Ig Nobel (n.搞笑諾貝爾(獎)) prizes.
      The aim of the awards is to honour (v.表揚) achievements (n.成就) that "first make people laugh and then make them think".
      The peace prize went to a Swiss (adj.瑞士的) research (n.研究) team who determined (v.測定) whether it is better to be hit over the head with a full or empty bottle of beer.
      The ceremony was organised by the magazine Annals (n.年鑑) of Improbable (adj.不可思議的) Research.
      Appropriately(adv.恰當地), the prize for economics (n.經濟學) went to the executives (n.行政人員) of four Icelandic (adj.冰島的) banks.
      The governor (n.行長) of Zimbabwe(n.津巴布韋)'s Reserve (n.儲備) Bank received the prize for mathematics for printing (v.印行) bank notes (n.鈔票) with denominations (n.面額) ranging from one cent to one hundred trillion (n.一萬億) dollars.
      The literature (n.文學) prize goes to Ireland(n.愛爾蘭)'s police service for writing and presenting (v.發出) more than 50 traffic tickets (n.交通告票) to the most frequent driving offender (n.犯案者) in the country - Prawo Jazdy - whose name in Polish (n.波蘭文) means "Driving Licence (n.駕駛執照)".(BBC, October 1)

      文學獎由愛爾蘭警方奪得,原因是他們書寫和發出了50余張交通告票給國內犯案最多的司機——Prawo Jazdy——這個名字是波蘭文,意思是“駕駛執照”。