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( 2009-07-10 )


      可是這樣做可能大錯特錯,為孩子的將來種下惡果的種子。Joanne Chianello在Ottawa Citizen的文章中說:
      No one likes to see their children embarrassed, struggling or failing. But experts believe that not allowing our children to make - and fix - their own mistakes ill-prepares them for life in the real world.
      文章的標題是"F- in Math, A+ in Life"。若看見子女的數學(或任何其他科目)不及格,連F也不如,更要拿個F-,你會有什麼反應?
      但其實孩子是否也應面對失敗,負上責任,然後努力找方法下次做好一點呢?不過,因很多家長害怕讓子女受挫折,就為他們擔當了一切失敗的後果。這對孩子會有什麼影響呢?The Self-Esteem Trap: Raising Confident and Compassionate Kids in an Age of Self-Importance的作者、心理治療師Polly Young-Eisendrath這麼說:
      Once young people get into the world, they overestimate(高估) their abilities or their talents. What happens eventually is that they have strong feelings of self-blame(自責) or inferiority(自卑), because if they're not able to achieve at the level that they had expected they would, then they'll blame themselves, or sometimes they'll blame their parents. But in fact, they hadn't actually had a realistic sense(實際的觀感) of their strengths and weaknesses.
      There's a huge amount of difficulty with this generation of kids who suffer from these exaggerated expectations(誇大的、過高的期望), an overfocus on themselves. They have a hair trigger for(容易受影響)humiliation. They have a hard time moving into adult life. They're indecisive(沒主見), they're restless(焦躁不安).

      或許我們可以給孩子最佳的禮物,就是self-esteem(自尊、自信)。The Self-Esteem Trap: Raising Confident and Compassionate Kids in an Age of Self-Importance帶家長走出過分保護子女的困局。